Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on February 19, 2024 at 1:37pm CST
Girl Scouts draw a large crowd to McCauley Theater
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, February 19, 1924.
A leap year social will be given in district No. 99 at 8 p.m., Friday, February 29. Men please bring baskets and cups for two. Everybody welcome. Charlotte Buesing.
The first meeting of the “Little Crow” trail from Glenwood to Willmar, by the way of Terrace, was held at Sundberg on Wednesday evening of this week. A design for the markers has been agreed upon. The signs will be put up as soon as the frost is out of the ground.
The mint is the only place we know that makes money without advertising.
The spelling contests between the schools of Miss Henrietta Olson, Miss Helen Christilaw and Miss Gertrude Litstrom has been delayed on account of the whooping cough, which has broken in those schools.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, February 21, 1924.
The seining of rough fish is still going on Lake Minnewaska. The results are not as satisfactory as the men who are seining the fish would like. They never get as big a load as they would like and to the credit of Lake Minnewaska may it be said that the haul brings out just as many game fish and most of the time more game fish than rough fish. Quite a crowd gathered last Sunday afternoon when the word went out that the net would soon be pulled in. The net had been sunk outside and a little to the north of the Sunset Beach hotel. The fish that came out of the net were all game fish with now and then a sucker or a dog fish. The game fish were almost all pike. Once in a while a pickerel would appear. In the very last pocket a large amount of rough fish was procured. There were about 500 pounds of buffalo fish and about 2,000 pounds of suckers. Some of the buffalo fish weighed as much as 30 or 35 pounds. The seining of fish will continue.
A kindergarten will be held in the Glenwood public schools under the auspices of the Normal Training Department lasting for nine weeks, beginning March 24. Parents will list the prospective students at the superintendent’s office as early as possible. The children will assemble in the high school gymnasium at 1:30 each afternoon.
There was a large crowd at the McCauley theater last evening to attend the program given by the Glenwood Girl Scouts. The audience enjoyed the program very much. The first number was a series of songs by the girl scouts. There are many good voices among them and Miss Linnevold had trained them very well. Dances were given by Eunice Feigum, Verna Beal, Goldie Wollan, Kathryn Young and six other girl scouts. These dances showed a great deal of practice and much native ability. A play “Aunt Mathilda’s Birthday Party” was very much enjoyed. The program ended with a movie “Circus Days.”
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, February 22, 1924.
The Co-operative Creamery members of District 13, Minnesota Co-operative Creameries Association held their second annual meeting last Thursday at Glenwood, Minn. Sixty-six delegates were present representing the co-operative creameries in the District, which is made up of the following counties: Douglas, Grant, Wilkin, Traverse, Stevens, Pope, Swift, Bigstone, LacQui Parle, Chippewa, Yellow Medicine and the west half of Kandiyohi. This was a very interesting meeting. The delegates showed an enthusiasm never equaled at any previous meeting. The business report of the past year was read and approved of. This showed a remarkable increase in business. 171 carloads of butter were handled and the freight saving on this butter to the creameries amounted to $27,123.08, or practically half a cent per pound.