From March 6, 1914

We understand that the Ericson Brothers have dissolved the partnership, E.A. Ericson having bought out the interest of his brother, A.B. Ericson in the general store business. A.B. Ericson is said to have plans which will necessitate his removal from Starbuck.

Orvald Thompson celebrated his seventh birthday last Monday afternoon by entertaining a number of little playmates. The little folks played games and a spread was served to them. In the center of the table was a large birthday cake and this was trimmed with seven tiny candles. 

Who had a partner going home from the school house Sunday evening? 

J.P. Bergee was busy hauling porkers to Starbuck most of last week. 


From Feb. 29, 1924

Miss Olivia Peterson resigned as county nurse last week. Miss Peterson received a very flattering offer from the American Red Cross to become a Field Nursing Representative for Minnesota, with offices in Chicago, which is headquartered for a group of ten states of which Minnesota is one. She will have general supervision of public health nursing in Minnesota. 

The following program was given at East Zion Y.P.S. last Sunday evening: Two saxophone solos by Julius Aslakson; a talk and a couple of vocal solos by Leo Sylvester; two songs by Lillian Tollefson and Myrtle Hagestuen; a reading by Mrs. A.H. Berge and a reading by Marion Pederson. 

A new place of business is in the making at New Prairie, as M.O. Ronnie is preparing to open up a store there in the near future. 

The following who have been attending Park Region School at Fergus Falls, are here visiting their folks: Sophie Otteson, Cora Barsness and Ingeborg Bolstad.

Claremont and Hazel Kirkwold and Miss Berg, students at the Morris A.C. School, spent the weekend at the C.T. Kirkwold home. 

A spelling contest was held in Dist. 74 last Tuesday. Evelyn Tangen received the highest mark in the written contest and Edna Dahlgren in the oral contest. 

The Junior Class of the Fron church gave a concert of sacred songs last Sunday evening under the direction of Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy. Mrs. Olaf Wollan presided at the piano. The children sang 19 sons and had committed 43 stanzas to memory. 


From March 1, 1934

Two young women and two young men have been engaged as 4-H club leaders in Pope County during the coming season, and started work last week. They are the Misses Ethel Smedstad of Starbuck, Elsie Parker of Westport, Messr’s Floyd Anderson of Farwell and Theo Anderson of Lowry  

Miss Smedstad says that the Blue Ribbon Club will meet to organize in School District 37 on Thursday evening, March 8. The boys and girls of Starbuck will meet jointly after school on Friday afternoon, March 9, and the Greenland Club will meet at the home of Clarence Sylvester the same evening. 

All boys and girls between 10 and 21 years are cordially invited to come to these meetings and take part in club work. 

The Legion Quartet composed of H.R. Peterson, W.A. Peterson, Ralph Forde and Christ Westby met at the H.R. Peterson home Sunday to practice for the legion program. 

Dr. and Mrs. W.W. Larson will leave Friday for Minneapolis to attend a business meeting of the Minnesota Dental Association, to be held at the St. Paul Hotel on Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Larson is being sent as a delegate from this district and will be one of the three on the executive council. 

Chester Peterson returned Sunday from Minneapolis where he attended the annual convention of the Hall Hardware Co. 


From March 2, 1944

A huge egg measuring 9-3/8” around was brought in from the chicken coop by Arne Stoen, age 9, on Saturday. The lad was so excited when he took it out of the basket to show it to his father, Arnold Stoen, that he cracked it. Out came a white and yolk. Inside the outside shell now remains another egg. The egg was brought into the Times Monday where it is on display.  

Relatives and friends helped Colleen Smedstad celebrate her 10th birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smedstad Sunday. 

Milk deliveries to homes will be resumed on Saturday, March 4. Starbuck Creamery Co. 

Grocery specials at the Red & White Store: Red and White coffee, 29¢ for 1 lb. pkg; Armours Star sliced bacon, 39¢ per lb.; soda crackers, 27¢ 2 lb. box; Our Value all-purpose flour, 50 lb. bag, $2.05; Washo washing powder, lge. pkg. 21¢.

The White Bear Lake Gun Club had a total of 62 men in the field last Sunday for their second rabbit and fox hunt, and as a result, shot a total of 60 rabbits and three foxes. The rabbits and foxes were sold and netted $38.50. After expenses were deducted there was a total of $30 left which will be donated to the American Red Cross.  


From March 4, 1954

Laurel Jean, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Knutson was baptized Sunday at Fron Lutheran. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Louvaine Pederson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landmark.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Larson of Staples are the parents of a baby girl born Feb. 24. 

Ten girls from Glenwood helped Kathy Sheldon celebrate her birthday on Saturday. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Art Erickson on Monday evening. 

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kline in DeForest, Wisconsin Feb. 18. Mrs. Kline will be remembered as Margaret Aaberg.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aslakson of Minneapolis are the parents of a baby girl born Feb. 27. 


From March 5, 1964

Miss Carol Ann Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams of Cyrus, and Dean L. Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hanson of Starbuck were married on Feb. 16 at the Cyrus Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Minneapolis. 

Heidi Renee, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pederson was baptized Sunday, Feb. 23 at Zion Lutheran Church in Rake, Iowa. Sponsors were parents and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pladsen of Minneapolis. 

Births: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farnell (Vail Peterson) of St. Paul on March 2; a son, Michael John, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wold (Ila Steen) of Glenwood Feb. 25; a son, Jay Edward to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jackson of Elk River Feb. 28.  


From Feb. 28, 1974

The second annual “Cherry Pie Day” was held Friday in Starbuck and as usual, several hundred people came out to it. To make any venture successful, the women must have a hand. Pictured in the Times, Mrs. Earl Larson, Mrs. Ted Samuelson, Mrs. Bill Lindberg, Mrs. F.D. Bucher and Irwin Knutson cutting and readying the pie in kitchen. 

A joint dinner meeting of area school boards was held last week at the Minnewaska House. Cities in attendance were Glenwood, Starbuck, Villard and Brooten. Cyrus was unable to attend because of prior commitments. Purpose of getting together were to: (1) mutual discussion of school legislation, (2) discuss school programs and curriculum, (3) talk about the future of schools, enrollment and etc. (4) attempt to work out cooperative programs between schools in the vocational and academic areas. 

According to late reports receive, Governor Wendell Anderson will sign a bill which passed the legislature on reducing speed limits in Minnesota to 55 mph. This is to comply with federal regulations in order to receive aid from the level, and meet the March 3 deadline.


From Feb. 29, 1984

Funeral services for Hazel Ophaug, 69, were held at the Fron Lutheran Church on Feb. 25. She is survived by two children, Robert of St. Paul and Mrs. Gary (Judy) Ronnie of Starbuck. 

A son, Dustin Karl, was born on Feb. 8 to Lyle and Liz Lundebrek of Morris. 

Michael Olson of Starbuck has been accepted as a student at the U of M, Crookston and will begin studies there this fall. 

Funeral services for Lilian Charlesworth, 92, were held at the First United Methodist Church of Huron, SD on Feb. 11. Miss Charlesworth was an English and Latin teacher in Starbuck for many years beginning in 1929. 

Cheryl Tverberg of Cyrus was the only winner from Minnesota in the January sweepstakes sponsored by the Red Owl Food Stores. Cheryl won a trip for two to Las Vegas for four days and three nights. Cheryl entered the contest at the Cyrus Red Owl.  


From March 2, 1994

A daughter, Michelle JoAnn, was born on Feb. 17 to Rick and Tammy Pederson of Clear Lake, SD. 

Pam and Lee Tangen entertained relatives and friends Sunday in honor of their daughter, Megan on her 5th birthday and their son, Michael on his 12th birthday. 

Funeral services for Kenneth Johnsrud, 64, were held at Fron Lutheran Church on Feb. 22. He is survived by his wife, Anna; and two daughters, Luan Lahr of Underwood and Judy Dietzler of Alexandria.  

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hollenbeck of Lowry had their infant son, Alex, baptized at the Reno Catholic Church Saturday evening.

Funeral services for Bonilyn (Bonnie) Johnsrud, 53, were held at Hope Lutheran Church in Sunburg on March 3. She is survived by a daughter, Mary Miller of Barron, WI and a son, Tomas Johnsrud of Sedan. 


From March 3, 2004

It’s down to three. The search for a new Starbuck police chief has been narrowed from eight candidates to three finalists. Allen Rensvold, Kyle D. Hoehne and a third unidentified man are the finalists. According to city clerk Marilyn Mortenson, the third candidate’s name was not released due to a continuing procedural process. 

Pictured in the Times, Minnewaska Medical Clinic nurse Beth Smedstad checks the hearing of newborn Madeline Thorfinnson with a GSI 70 machine. Minnewaska Regional Health System has provided newborn hearing screenings in the past with equipment shared with other medical facilities. The newly purchased GSI 70 machine measures otoacoustic emissions which are generated within the cochlear of normal hearing ears in response to tones. It takes as few as 10 seconds per ear to screen infants for hearing impairments. This type of screening can result in early referrals for additional testing and treatment as needed. The GSI 70 can also be used to test for hearing deficits in children, teens and adults. 

As one Lowry woman walks miles of local dirt roads this spring, she’s focusing on the 39 miles of Chicago pavement that await her and her sisters in June. Sadie (Stivland) Schlief, of Lowry; Suzanne (Stivland) Malo, of Iowa City, Iowa; and Polly Stivland, of Minneapolis all grew up in the area and will take part in the 2004 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago. 


From March 5, 2014

Paul Koubsky was selected as an America’s Farmers Grow Communities winner and presented the Pope County Agricultural Society receiving a ceremonial check for $2,500 on Feb. 26. Koubsky was joined by Monsanto representative from Channel, Kurt Herickhoff and Pope County Agriculture Society Treasurer Missy Schultz. The money will be used toward a new building at the fairgrounds.

The Friends of Glacial Lakes State Park (GLSP) group recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary of existence. The group got its official certification by the State of Minnesota in July 2003 and IRS determination in October 2003. Melody Webb was the park ranger at the time and knew of the good things being done by the Friends groups at other state parks. The idea caught on locally thanks in large part to Corbin Corson and Vic Vatthauer. 

Glacial Hills Elementary Director Deb Mathias took three pies to the face from the first graders as part of the February “I Love To Read” month Closing Ceremonies on Feb. 28. Pictured in the Times, first grader Zoey Rutten shoves her pie into Mrs. Mathias’s face.