Mental Health Day on the Hill returns on March 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. as advocates from across Minnesota gather in Saint Paul to shed light on crucial mental health-related legislation.

Hosted by the Minnesota Mental Health Legislative Network, Mental Health Day on the Hill aims to put a spotlight on the needs of children and adults with mental illnesses and their families this legislative session. Attendees will kick off the day with a welcome and policy briefing at 9:30 a.m., located at Christ on Capitol Hill Church near the Capitol. During this session, participants will receive an overview of current mental health policy and funding issues. Following the briefing, a rally will commence in the Capitol’s rotunda at 11 a.m., featuring speeches from legislators and advocates. 

Governor Tim Walz, Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, Rep. Mohamud Noor, Rep. Heather Edelson, Rep. Dave Baker and Senator Mann will speak at the rally along with advocates and providers.

There are numerous ways for individuals to advocate for a robust mental healthcare system. One of the highlights of Mental Health Day on the Hill is the chance for attendees to meet with their legislators and share their experiences with the mental health system.

“Mental Health Day on the Hill is an inclusive event welcoming individuals from all across Minnesota to come together and advocate for improved mental health policies and resources,” explained Shannah Mulvihill, executive director of Mental Health Minnesota, one of the many organizations that are part of the Minnesota Mental Health Legislative Network. “While we have made progress, there is more to do.”

“We are in the midst of a mental health crisis, so we are advocating for funding the treatment and services people with mental illnesses need,” urges Sue Abderholden, executive director of NAMI Minnesota, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. “We know that our mental health system cannot meet the needs. People are experiencing long wait times, boarding in the ER, increasing interactions with police and increasing suicide rates. We need to continue to direct resources to our mental health system.” 

For questions about the event, contact NAMI Minnesota at or call 651-645-2948 x123. Transportation to the Capitol from different locations in Greater Minnesota might still be available.

About NAMI Minnesota

NAMI Minnesota is a non-profit organization working to improve the lives of children and adults with mental illnesses and their families through its education, support, and advocacy programs.

The Mental Health Legislative Network (MHLN) is a broad coalition that advocates for a statewide mental health system that is of high quality, accessible and has stable funding. The organizations in the MHLN all work together to create visibility on mental health issues, act as a clearinghouse on public policy issues and pool our knowledge, resources and strengths to create change. NAMI Minnesota and Mental Health Minnesota co-chair the MHLN.