•New bus will eliminate transportation barriers, expand field trip opportunities

Discovery Days Preschool recently announced the purchase of a new school bus, which will significantly impact the early education program in Lowry. Not only will it eliminate common transportation barriers for families, but it will expand their field trip opportunities as well.

“The board of directors at the preschool has been working to solve a common concern: transportation at the end of the school day,” said Jordan McMahon, Board Member. Because the preschool is not affiliated with the district, along with limitations of public transportation options, many families must make individual transportation arrangements. “We’re finding this to be a huge barrier for parents. Without a solution, they choose to go elsewhere, or not enroll their child in preschool entirely.”

In addition to overcoming transportation hurdles, the new school bus will allow the school to go on even more field trips. Currently, they take one or two field trips per month. They are known to travel to Glacial Lakes State Park, Runestone Park, Barsness Park, Stivland Gardens, and the surrounding communities. “The kids absolutely love getting out of the classroom and exploring the world around them! Spending time in nature and familiarizing them with the communities around us is an important goal of ours,” says Ashley Bennett, Program Director.

The Board plans to cover the bus in a fun vinyl wrap, designed to delight the students and highlight their nature-based program. The bus will be equipped with car seats and booster seats required for each child’s age and size. In addition, the staff who will be driving the bus has passed the required Child and Restraint Systems (C.A.R.S.) training.

Generous donors in the community are making the purchase of this school bus possible. To learn more about the Discovery Days Preschool bus, visit www.lowrydiscoverydayspreschool.com/bus.

Discovery Days Preschool is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, licensed child care center located in the heart of Lowry, MN. It serves young learners—ages 3, 4, and 5—from Lowry, Glenwood, Starbuck, Kensington, and the surrounding areas.