Official Proceedings

Pope County 

Board of Commissioners 

Regular Board Meeting

Tuesday, MAY 21, 2024

The Pope County Board of Commissioners Regular Board Meeting duly noticed for Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Pope County Courthouse, 3rd Floor Board Room, 130 E Minnesota Avenue, Glenwood, MN 56334 was called to order at 9:00 AM by the Chair, Paul Gerde, with the following Board Members also present: Paul Gremmels, Larry Lindor, Gordy Wagner, and Paul Wildman.  Neil Nelson, County Attorney; and Kersten Kappmeyer, County Administrator, were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approval of Agenda; Approval of Official Proceedings for May 7, 2024; and Consider Appointment of a Pope County Representative to the North Fork Crow River Watershed District Board of Managers were presented by Chair Gerde. Motion to approve the agenda as presented, made by Gremmels and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the Official Proceedings for May 7, 2024 as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously. Motion to reappoint James Barchenger to the Board of Managers for the North Fork Crow River Watershed District for a three-year term ending June 1, 2027, made by Wildman and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously.  New employee Dylan Schuster, Appraiser, was introduced to the Board by Human Resource Director Jackie Stevens and welcomed to employment with Pope County.

A motion was made to open the duly-noticed Public Hearing on Adoption of the Pope County 5-Year Road Improvement Plan at 9:03 a.m. by Wagner, seconded by Lindor, and Carried Unanimously. Brian Giese, Engineer, presented the proposed 5-year plan to the Board, presented various tools used to inform drafting of the plan, and answered questions on the plan from the Board regarding certain aspects of the projects and federal and state aid available to fund projects in part. Chair Gerde solicited public comment at 9:22 a.m. Comment was offered by Loene Bowlin, Glenwood, thanking the Board and County for the improved Board Room; David Peters, Glenwood, noting pending court appeals of the proposed CSAH 17 road design, asking for the CSAH 17 project to be delayed, citing concerns with lane and road width, and hope that MnDOT would change design standards; Bill Peters, Glenwood, expressing preference for “mill and fill” project on the existing CSAH 17 footprint; and Evan Peters, Glenwood, expressing concerns about safety and desire for traffic calming measures on CSAH 17. With no other public comment being offered, a motion to close the Public Hearing and reconvene in regular session at 9:29 a.m. was made by Lindor, seconded by Wildman, and Carried Unanimously. Motion to adopt Resolution 202417 approving the proposed 2024-2028 Road Improvement Program as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously.

Consider Resolution 202418 to Adopt and Implement the Chippewa River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan was presented by Ralph Hanson, Land Use Specialist. Motion to approve Pope County Resolution 202418 Adopting and Implementing the Chippewa River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan as presented, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. 

Replacement of Human Resources Assistant Position with Executive Assistant Position was presented by Jackie Stevens, Human Resources Director.  Motion to grant approval to eliminate the position of Human Resources Assistant and replace it with the position of Executive Assistant as requested, made by Gremmels and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. 

April 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Balance Analysis; Auditor Bills – April 10 – May 14, 2024; and Pay Bills, Supplemental Bills, Per Diems and Employee Reimbursements were presented by Stephanie Rust, Auditor/Treasurer. Motion to approve the April 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Analysis as presented, made by Wildman and seconded by Lindor, Carried Unanimously.  Auditor Bills were presented as an informational item. Motion to approve payment of bills of $83,722.80 plus supplemental bills of $1,977.13 plus employee reimbursements of $2,847.53, totaling $88,547.46, made by Lindor and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously, and were paid as follows: Abdo LLP $9,150.00; Braatens Masonry, LLC $3,275.00; Counties Providing Technology $6,894.00; Enterprise FMTrust $10,580.65; L & O Acres Transport Inc $7,709.25; Morris Electronics Inc $14,064.41; Prairie Lakes Youth Programs $11,335.07; Pro-West & Associates Inc $5,320.33; 32 payments less than $2000 $17,371.22.

Informational updates were given by the County Attorney, Administrator, Auditor/Treasurer, and County Commissioners, and there being no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 10:28 a.m. 

Kersten Kappmeyer, 

County Administrator

Paul Gerde, 

Chair of the Board

June 10