It is ‘ridiculous’ but Donald Trump did say it…

From Theresa Tibbetts,


I agree that it is RIDICULOUS what Donald Trump said, but he DID say it.

On July 26th addressing a Christian group  he said: “If you vote for me this November, in 4 years you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not gonna have to vote.”

His EXACT words! Most of what he says is ridiculous, but he says it anyway. Actually, he has lied so much that he is like the boy who cried wolf. You can’t believe anything he says even if there is a sliver of truth in it!

You say he doesn’t want to be a dictator?

Really? He had said so! He respects people like Putin and Kim Jong Un of N. Korea. He brags about the “Love Letters” he and the N. Korean dictator share. He believes Putin over our own intelligence.

He “professes” to be a Christian. He has rarely been inside a church. The only time he holds a Bible is for a photo-op or to sell them for his profit. I guarantee he has never read it!

You wanted a letter from a professed Christian? The God I worship and believe in cares for ALL people. Not just the rich white ones.

There is definitely a problem at the border that needs to be fixed.

Oh wait, there was a strong bipartisan solution but Trump killed it so he can pretend he is the only one that can fix it.

My God believes all people are worthy of his love. My God welcomes all people.

As for immigrants “taking jobs, Americans should have.”  What jobs? If you left your cocoon you would see businesses are hiring everywhere, literally!

When my café was still open, I would have welcomed any immigrant who wanted to work! But this generation, most of them, don’t want to work. They want to play sports, dance or go to college and start at the top.  Disclaimer: I know some young people who do not think this and they are much appreciated!

You MAGA people think Trump is the God and our savior. That goes against everything I was raised with. He is a human being, plain and simple. And a very flawed one as are we all. He is more than most.

He cheated on three wives and has five children from those unions. Believes he has never done anything wrong and is above the law. He thinks he can “grab them by the pussy because he is famous.”  He thinks he is the smartest person on Earth, and he ALONE can fix everything.

My God is the only one who can do that.

Abortion, well now, in your eyes the only life that matters is the fetus. What about the 12-year-old who was raped? What about the mother who will die if she doesn’t get the health care that is required? What about the family of that woman? Her loss is acceptable? They should just “get over it?”

As a Christian, I do not believe in just killing unborn children, but there are circumstances that are acceptable if not required.

You care so much about a fetus. What about the children born that are not wanted and abused? You don’t want to take care of them either. Only when they are a fetus. If you truly cared for all children, it would be the dreaded word, SOCIALISM. That would be HORRIBLE.

Back to voting, yes, that is how things are decided in this country. We all have a right to choose who we feel is the best for this country at this time.

You have the right to believe Trump is your God. You do not have the right to tell me what I should believe.

I suggest you vote, I will and however it turns out I will live with it. Until the next election.

What I will NOT do is scream for the next four years about how it was rigged or stolen. I will NOT storm the capital and lead a violent mob to overturn the majority people’s votes.

There, this is your letter from a professed Christian.

Have they forgotten they are public servants?

From Sandra Kuder,

Long Beach

All politics is local.

Nothing has quite brought this home to me like reading about the City of Starbuck’s public hearing, which was highlighted in the last edition of this paper.

While some letter writers continually disparage candidates of the opposite party, I suggest we judge candidates not on what they say they’ll do, but what actually comes out of their mouth and the things they do.  How the Starbuck Mayor and certain City Council members spoke to the citizens they represent, is absolutely appalling.  Have they forgotten that they are “public servants”?  It seems that they have.

It’s time for a change.