By Kris Goracke


At the September Starbuck City Council meeting, plans to rebuild the Starbuck Locker and clarify property boundaries were key discussion points. Mathias Briard, owner of the Starbuck Locker, presented his request to the council, seeking the vacation of a dedicated right-of-way (R.O.W.).

Briard explained his plans to rebuild the Starbuck Locker after it was destroyed by a fire on July 6, 2024. Part of the original building had been located on city-owned right-of-way (R.O.W.), so he asked the council for permission to rebuild, with a small expansion to the existing footprint. “I want to square off the southern wall,” Briard said.

Since a portion of the original building was constructed on dedicated R.O.W., Briard is requesting the city vacate a 33-by-200-foot section of the R.O.W. to allow for reconstruction. Additionally, he is asking the city to sell him land that borders the southern boundary of the R.O.W., creating a .24-acre parcel to add to his current property.

Although the proposal will be addressed at a public hearing in October, the council discussed concerns regarding Depot Lane, a parcel that should remain unchanged. “We need the road for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles,” said Randy Pederson, Starbuck Water and Sewer Superintendent. “The space is also essential for snow removal.”

The council expressed its support for Briard’s rebuilding plans and collectively believed the public hearing would likely approve part of the land he requested necessary for reconstruction. However, they acknowledged Pederson’s concerns about keeping the road as is for safety reasons.

Next, the council addressed Wade Jakobson’s concern about the city’s transfer station not being available to residents. “I believe there was a miscommunication,” said Mayor Gary Swenson. The key is available for residents to access the transfer station.”

Mayor’s report

In his report, Swenson updated the council on several projects. Concerning the lighthouse for the Starbuck Marina, Swenson stated that the dirt and cement work has been completed and the lighthouse is expected to arrive around September 20. However, the path to the lighthouse will be finished later.

Swenson reported that the kayak rental station is scheduled to be installed at the city beach this month. The rental rate will be $15 per hour, and users must be at least 18 years old to rent the kayaks.

Additionally, Swenson reported on a second chemical treatment scheduled for September 16 at the Starbuck Marina. The city contracted T.I.G.R.I.S. Aquatic Services to manage the marina’s Starry Stonewort and Eurasian Watermilfoil. After an initial treatment on July 15, a post-treatment survey on August 12 indicated that while the Eurasian Watermilfoil responded well and no further treatment was necessary, a second treatment was recommended for the Starry Stonewort.

The Starbuck Planning and Zoning Committee has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, October 1, at 9 a.m. to gather input on the city’s ordinance regulating cannabis businesses, which the committee has been drafting.

Sunset Marina

Ted Razink, owner of Sunset Marina, requested that the city install electricity at the marina to install a webcam. “We’ll pay for the camera,” Razink explained, “but we’re asking the city to cover the cost of running electricity to the pole.”

Council member Steve Gorder supported the request, stating, “I think the marina has been a success, and I approve of the city paying for the electricity.” 

However, council member Dane Christensen voiced concern. “I have an issue with the city covering electricity for a private business,” he said. Razink countered, “This is more of a community service, providing real-time weather information for lake-goers.” 

“I see this as a conflict of interest,” said Christensen, “We have a marina owned by the city and I would imagine cameras would be welcomed there.” 

“The marina [Sunset Marina] brings in a lot of people to our area,” said Swenson.  

Despite some opposition, the council ultimately approved the installation of electricity for Sunset Marina, with a cost of $575.

Fall Clean up day set

Deputy Clerk Tiffany Holten reminded the council that Starbuck Fall Clean-up Day is scheduled for Saturday, September 28, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Pickleball survey

The council also reviewed an email from Linda Hoffmann, officer with the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce, regarding an informal Facebook poll about reconfiguring the Starbuck Lakeshore tennis courts to include pickleball courts. The poll results showed that 144 people supported a mix of tennis and pickleball courts, 57 wanted all pickleball courts, 16 preferred tennis courts only, and 6 suggested leaving the courts in their current state with weeds and cracks.

Council member Christensen requested permission for Kris Goracke and Tiffany Holten to explore a potential Blue Cross Blue Shield grant for the development of the courts. The council approved the pursuit of the grant.

In new business, the council:

•Approved 2024 inter-fund transfers for the 2013A and 2017A bonds.

•Scheduled a special meeting for Thursday, September 19, at noon to approve the preliminary general fund budget and the 2025 levy and review a 2020 road project assessment deferral application.

•Approved the Truth and Taxation hearing for December 9, 2024, at 6:35 p.m. during the council meeting.

•Decided not to waive liability coverage for 2025 through the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust.

•Accepted the donation of a granite memorial bench in memory of Peder Baukol, which is to be placed in the city park.  The bench is donated by Timmie Baukol.

•Passed resolution #2024-20, accepting a donation from Shalom Lutheran Church for the 2024 National Night Out.

•Passed resolution #2024-21, accepting a donation from the Pope County H.E.L.P. Council to support the Starbuck Police Department’s Kids Safety Camp.

•Passed resolution #2024-22 – Setting a public hearing for a proposed street vacation of Dedicated ROW between 117 E 5th Street and E Depot Lane.

•Approved waiving the community center rental fee for Western Prairie Human Services’ Dementia Skills Workshop, scheduled for October 25, 2024.

The next regular city council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15 due to Columbus Day.