Publisher’s Perspective

By Tim Douglass, Publisher

There’s a faction of people out there who seem to believe anything, especially when it comes to Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

But one belief can border on dangerous and that is that God is somehow using Donald Trump to “save America?”

“Where did that come from?” you ask.

It mostly comes from those who espouse Christian Nationalism.

First of all, Trump is likely the least religious of any of the recent past presidents. He can easily be found on the golf course, but rarely in a church? Oh sure, there are photos of him with a Bible. He even used that image to make money by selling a “bobble head” of him holding up a Bible. And there is an image of him praying in a church, kneeling with folded hands. The only problem is it’s fake, his hands have six fingers.

Secondly, his rhetoric is far from anything we’d hear from a man who is a “Christian.”

Remember, the former President regularly mocks disabled people, disparages veterans for their service, defaults on loans (stealing), calls people derogatory names, grabs women and worse, and has been found guilty of 34 felony charges. Oh, and despite the spinning, incited an insurrection at the Capitol.

More recently he lied about Haitian migrants eating pets to distract from his woeful debate performance. He spews mostly hatred toward one group or another depending on expediency and campaign effectiveness. Doesn’t sound much like a Christian? Is that someone Christians should or even could defend?

His latest lie, first propagated by a White Supremacist group that Black Haitians in Springfield, Ohio are eating pets, has prompted his followers to call in bomb threats to dozens of schools and government offices in that city. As part of a plan, apparently, people there are now afraid to talk against Trump because they fear violence and over-reaction. Again, does that sounds Christian?

What we’ve learned over the past eight years is Donald Trump’s actions and words are who he is and that’s not someone most Christians would, or should support.

We shouldn’t fall for the lies and the blame he puts on all who he thinks are a threat to himself and his quest for power.

A letter writer recently stated that many hate Donald Trump.

Not so.

Trump is to be pitied.  He’s the one who talks about others in a way that defines hatred (an intense, passionate dislike).   He works hard to play the victim through lies and deceit, projecting his own misdeeds and actions on others.   He does not have the temperament to repent, because that would mean admitting his own wrong doing. And, by the way, he’d probably be the one “to cast the first stone…” and be proud of it.  His cadre of blind followers would also be proud of it.

Most of the people I’ve talked to recently, both Republicans and Democrats, simply don’t want to hear any more of his hate-filled, divisive comments and are weary of his never-ending campaign.  Is he a Christian?  Can you tell?  What he has revealed to all is that he is nothing more than a self-serving person, turned politician.