This is to notify the public that the meeting of the Pope County Planning Advisory Commission (PAC) will take place on Thursday, October 24th, 2024 beginning at or about 6:00 pm or shortly thereafter in the Pope County Courthouse, 3rd Floor Board Room, to consider the following agenda items:  

• Review meeting minutes from September 26th, 2024 PAC meeting

• Old Business

o Proposed Cannabis Ordinance hearing.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the proposed Cannabis Ordinance. 

• New Business

o Conditional Use hearing on the application by Twilight Bay, if granted would allow applicant to complete grading and fill activities in a steep slope area with a working surface greater than twenty-five (25) feet in a Shoreland-Recreational Development (S-RD) zoning district per section 4.6.10 of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as: Lot 14, Plat of Nordic Point, Section 9, Township 125 (Minnewaska), Range 38, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application to complete grading and fill activities in a steep slope area.

o Interim Use hearing on the application by Josh Sundheim, if granted would allow applicant to re-establish and expand excavation activities in an existing aggregate mine in an Agriculture Protection (A-2) zoning district per section 7.4.D and 10.2 of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as: Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW¼ NE¼), Section 16, Township 124 (Walden), Range 40, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application to re-establish and expand an aggregate mine.

o Conditional Use hearing on the application by Grant & Sara Maasjo, if granted would allow applicants to locate an accessory structure greater than 1100 square feet in a Shoreland-Recreational Development (S-RD) zoning district per section 4.6.13 of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as: Lot 5, Plat of Oakwood, Section 24, Township 126 (Leven), Range 37, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application to locate an accessory structure greater than 1100 sq ft.

Public participation by interested parties and citizens will include an opportunity to:

1) submit written concerns and comment prior to the scheduled meeting.  All such communications will be shared with the Planning Advisory Commission prior to or during the meeting;

2) submit concerns and comments via Pope County’s Public Comment web map, go to, at the top of the page hover over Government, then under Board of Adjustment/Planning Advisory Commission, select Submit a Public Comment or type in the following link to access the Public Comment web map: ( 

3) review the staff prepared report via Pope County website;

4) observe and/or participate by providing verbal comments in the Public Hearing portion of the Planning Advisory Commission meeting.


Jessica Hill, Deputy Land & 

Resource Director / Zoning 


Pope County Land & 

Resource Management

Oct. 7