Official Proceedings

Pope County 

Board of Commissioners 

Regular Board Meeting

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 17, 2024

The Pope County Board of Commissioners Regular Board Meeting duly noticed for Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at the Pope County Courthouse, 3rd Floor Board Room, 130 E Minnesota Avenue, Glenwood, MN 56334 was called to order at 9:00 AM by the Chair, Paul Gerde, with the following Board Members also present: Paul Gremmels, Larry Lindor, Gordy Wagner, and Paul Wildman.  Neil Nelson, County Attorney, and Kersten Kappmeyer, County Administrator, were also present.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approval of Agenda and Approval of Official Proceedings for September 3, 2024 were presented by Chair Gerde. Motion to approve the agenda as amended, with the removal of Introduction of New Employee, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the Official Proceedings for September 3, 2024 as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously.

Consider Resolution 202425 Relating to the General Obligation Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, Series 2024A; Authorizing the Issuance, Prescribing the Form and Details, and Providing for the Payment Thereof was presented by Todd Hagen, Ehlers Public Finance Advisors. Motion to adopt Resolution 202425 relating to the General Obligation Solid Waste Bonds, Series 2024A, authorizing the issuance of the bonds, prescribing their form and details, and providing for the payment thereof as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. 

Conditional Use Permit: Non-Farm Residence (Person, Ben Wade Township) was presented by David Green, Land & Resource Management Director. Motion to approve the application and issue the Conditional Use Permit to Person for a non-farm residence in Ben Wade Township with findings and conditions as recommended by the Planning Advisory Commission, made by Lindor and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. 

Set and Authorize Notice of the Pope County Annual Drainage Hearing was presented by Dave Orlowski, Drainage Inspector. Motion to set the Pope County Annual Drainage Hearing for Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 9:00 AM or as soon thereafter as can be heard, and authorize publication of the hearing notice, made by Wagner and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. 

Establish Road Tour Meeting Date/Time and Consider Resolution 202426 Transfer of Municipal State Aid Construction Funds to Regular State Aid Construction Funds were presented by Brian Giese, Engineer. Motion to establish a special Highway Department Road Tour meeting with the County Board on October 24, 2024 beginning at 9:00 AM at the County Highway Department Building in Glenwood, and issue notice of the special meeting, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. Motion to adopt Resolution 202426, for the transfer of $600,000 from the municipal state aid construction account to the regular state aid construction account, made by Gremmels and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously.

August 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Balance Analysis; Auditor Bills – August 14 – September 10, 2024; and Pay Bills, Supplemental Bills, Per Diems and Employee Reimbursements were presented by Stephanie Rust, Auditor/Treasurer. Motion to approve the August 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Analysis as presented. This motion, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. Auditor Bills were presented as an informational item. Motion to approve payment of bills of $128,351.72 plus supplemental bills of $5,558.07 plus employee reimbursements of $2,558.40, totaling $136,468.19, made by Wagner and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously, and were paid as follows: Visa $5,510.18; Active911, Inc $2,815.20; Amazon Capital Services $2,163.59; Counties Providing Technology $6,894.00; Douglas County Jail $17,779.31; Mn Dept Of Transportation $5,648.60; Motorola Solutions Inc $14,716.23; Prairie Lakes Youth Programs $11,656.00; Pro-West & Associates Inc $3,383.47; Rapid Response Plumbing & Heating $10,000.00; Rinke-Noonan $9,592.00; Scandinavian Lake Association $18,200.00; Steve’s Tree Service Inc $2,600.00; Visa $4,037.22; 40 payments less than $2,000 $18,913.99.

Consider Resolution 202427 Accepting the Pope County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Levy Amount for 2025; Consider Resolution 202428 on Reappointment of the County Assessor; Consider Resolution 202429 Adopting the 2025 Pope County Preliminary Budget and Property Tax Levy and Setting a Truth-in-Taxation Hearing; and Consider Resolution 202430 Designating the Remaining American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding as Lost Revenue Replacement Pursuant to the Final Rules and Directing Reporting of the Same Pursuant to the Final Rules were presented by Kersten Kappmeyer, Administrator. Motion to adopt Resolution 202427 accepting the Pope County Housing and Redevelopment Authority levy for 2025 at $520,000 as presented, made by Wagner and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. Motion to adopt Resolution 202428 reappointing Michael Wacker as Pope County Assessor for a term beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2028 as presented, made by Wildman and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously. Motion to adopt Resolution 202429, adopting the 2025 Pope County Preliminary Budget and Property Tax Levy, with expenditures of $20,944,535, and a property tax levy of $11,097,902, a 4.9% increase over 2024, and setting a Truth in Taxation Hearing for Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Third Floor Board Room of the County Courthouse, made by Lindor and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously. Motion to adopt Resolution 202430 designating the remaining Pope County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds as “lost revenue replacement” in accordance with the federal rules, and directing the Auditor/Treasurer’s Office to report the same, to assure the preservation and retention of any remaining ARPA funding held by the County, made by Wildman and seconded by Lindor, Carried Unanimously. 

Informational updates were given by the County Administrator and County Commissioners.  There being no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 10:49 AM. 

Kersten Kappmeyer,

County Administrator

Paul Gerde,

Chair of the Board

Oct. 7