Thanks for donating blood

From Mary Gross

American Red Cross Coordinator

On behalf of the American Red Cross, I would like to thank all of the people that donated blood at our drive on Tuesday October 8, 2024. The drive was held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church which is always a welcoming facility. Thank you for accommodating this worthy cause.

The blood drive collected 75 units on Tuesday. This was 10 units more than the Red Cross had scheduled. It was another fantastic day!

I would also like to thank my gracious and dependable volunteers who continue to be available and willing to help at the event.

The need for blood is crucial at this time with the hurricane devastation in the southeast United States.

The next blood drive will be held at Glenwood Lutheran Church on Tuesday January 14, 2025. Please go online to register if you would like to donate.

For more information, or to register online, contact or call 1-800-RED CROSS.

Thank you.

A model for candidate positions

From Dorothy DeJager,


The format followed by DTN/Progressive Farmer in its Oct 2, 2024 issue and reprinted in David Tollefson’s October 15 column serves as the ideal model for garnering candidates’ positions on upcoming election issues. Clear and concise questions are asked, followed by the answers provided by each candidate.

Responds to letter

From Brenda Arends,


We are all indeed sinful, broken people. Some individuals, however, go way above and beyond that description. Try evil and diabolical. Someone like Hitler…and we all know how that turned out.

Candidates’ stance on agriculuture

From Nancy Barsness,


I read with interest last week’s article, “Where Candidates Stand on Agriculture”, which was Harris’s and Trump’s campaign responses to the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) questions. Trump’s foreign trade policies would not only raise prices for all of us, but they would certainly devastate the ag industry.

Under the topic of “International Trade”, Trump touted his elimination of NAFTA in 2018, yet he neglected to mention that he is proposing a universal tariff on all imports to the US. Foreign countries (that buy US farm products) will respond with a tariff on US goods which, according to most economists, would balloon the deficit, but it also could (and most likely would) start a Trade War like the one that sparked the 1930’s Great Depression.

Under “Farm Policy Programs” the Trump campaign said he would permanently end the US reliance on China for goods. Yet, he purchases his campaign gimmicks (MAGA hats and Bibles) from China. And if he ends Chinese imports, will China cut off US imports of corn, soybeans, livestock and other ag products?

Trump’s foreign trade policy would bankrupt farmers and hurt our economy. Vote Harris-Walz.

A bit confused…

From Steve Nestor,


I’m a bit confused…just what are we voting for on Nov. 5th?

I have followed the recent exchange of opinions in the “Opinion” section of the Tribune including the “Publishers Perspective”. Although a bit one sided, they seem to be rather topical and stray from what is at stake in our upcoming elections.

I could go on to write of my opinions and political beliefs, however that would not pinpoint the situation we are in today. No, it would just increase the pace and divisive fervor that surrounds us today.

We are to make our own “educated,” yes, researched choices. There are certainly more than one issue that we are to make our selection and vote based upon.  Although I hear so many are doing so….. Yes, you have a right to have strong feelings toward them, but now we have a time in history that we as a free nation have faced before.

Did we pay enough attention before World War I ?  No, “the war to end all wars”…Hardly. What did we learn from that? Do enough folks pay attention to world history? Germany invaded Poland…and on and on…Japan bombed Hawaii… North Korea, East and West Berlin, Vietnam…do these names sound familiar? Has the world really changed that much?

No, “we do not live in Kansas anymore Dorothy”.  Who are we up against?  The rest of the world still depends on us…Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, Ayatollah Khomeini and all the alliances they are constructing. And who will stand up to them? Look them in the eye and represent the entire free world? This is not a popularity contest.  No, some of the issues we all feel so strongly about are no longer on the top of the list anymore.

Prior generations found out the hard way and then had to stand up for what our nation was founded on, had to stand together and take on far greater problems. After all, what chance have we got to stand and pontificate our political and moral views if one of the above gains control?  Let’s not let History repeat itself again.

When making your decision this November 5th, please keep this in mind.

It’s just a Trump power grab

From Caryl Nelson,


Thank you so much for your editorial of October 7th questioning Trump’s Christianity.   It couldn’t be more spot on.  Trump is using the Christian Nationalist movement strictly for his own grab for power. His increasing calls for militancy and retribution are clearly not Christian.   When Satan took Jesus to the top of the mountain and offered him the rule of all the world, if Jesus would simply bow down and worship him ( or vote for him), Jesus’ response was “Get behind me Satan.”  Christian Nationalists seek that kind of power from Trump.

It’s what I’m voting against…

From Gail Larson,


I am not voting for someone–I’m voting against inflation, high energy costs, woke culture, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, biological males in female sports, transgender surgeries for minors, student loan forgiveness, DEI policies and abortion with no restrictions.

Residents invited to participate in Radiothon

From Denise Dougherty,

Chair of the Pope County HELP Council Radiothon to End Child Abuse

Dear Residents of Pope County:

The Members of the Pope County HELP Council would like to cordially invite you to participate in the 4th Annual Pope County HELP Council Radiothon to End Child Abuse, which will be held Thursday, December 5th, from 1-3:30 p.m., hosted by KMGK Smooth Magic 107.1 with online auction site provided pro bono via American Solutions for Business.

The HELP Council sponsors many activities to increase awareness and provide education for the children, families, and residents of Pope County, and we are a violence prevention council that is dedicated to bettering our community.

We are looking for donations of goods and services that will be packaged up for bid for the online auction, and on December, 5th, from 1-3:30 p.m., we will ask for pledges to be called into KMGK, during the broadcast of the 4th Annual Pope County HELP Council Radiothon to End Child Abuse.

You can also bid on some fabulous packages during the Radiothon! Follow us on FB or Instagram for helpful information or announcements concerning the upcoming Radiothon and other educational topics, as well as, for the link to the online auction site.

If you would like to donate goods or services for the Radiothon, please contact Denise Dougherty at 320.766.1010 or Amber Kirkwold at 320.424.3213 or email us at  Your donations are tax deductible and you will receive great advertising for your business.  You will also be making a difference in the lives of children and families, right here at home, in Pope County.

Thank you so much for your consideration.