From Oct. 23, 1914

Miss Lena Marie Jacobson and Gerhard O. Landmark were united in marriage at the bride’s home in Rolling Forks on Saturday afternoon, October 10. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. G. Beito in the presence of immediate relatives and friends. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jacobson. The groom hails from the southern part of the county.

L. B. Stocking and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Case. and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Case and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Peterson accompanied them back as far as Terrace in Mr. Case’s car.

Calmer Elie and Anton Dullum and new phones put in their homes on Friday.

A large crowd was present at the Fron Young People’s Society at Christ Brenden’s. Besides the members there were people from Greenland, New Prairie, Indher Red and Starbuck.

On Saturday evening, October 31, the Pupils Industrial club will give an entertainment and Somebody’s Name social in the school house in District No. 39 (near A. J. Brenden’s place). Ladies bring lunch and cups. The committee extends a cordial invitation to all.-Constance Nygaard, teacher.


From Oct. 24, 1924

The regular meeting of the Parent-Teachers association was held at the school house Wednesday evening. A splendid program was given. Several selections were played by the orchestra; Mrs. T. Kleven sang a solo; Miss Holden gave a demonstration in school methods, and a solo was sung by Miss Agnes Nelson. The general discussion following the program related to the time when the school parties should be permitted and the effect of Saturday night parties on Sunday school work.

Dr. and Mrs. C.R. Christenson motored to Minneapolis last Wednesday. From there they went to Owatonna, where on Saturday they celebrated the doctor’s birthday and their wedding anniversary. On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday he attended the Mayo Clinics at Rochester.

Friday evening the John Byhres had their baby baptized at the home of Mrs. Byhre’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Tessem. Rev. Johnshoy officiated. The baby was named John Maxwell. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Gotfred Nordstrom, Grant Byhre and Myrtle Torguson.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Samuelson had their baby baptized Sunday, October 12, at their home by Rev. G.O. Forde. The baby was named Romain Nathan Wayne. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samuelson.


From Oct. 25, 1934

After studying public health nursing services in Toronto, Canada for the past three weeks, Olivia Peterson, superintendent of public health nursing in the State Department of Health, left yesterday for New York, where she will conduct a similar survey. Receiving the Rockefeller Foundation Traveling scholarship in public health nursing, she left the U of M campus at the beginning of the quarter for a three month study in different parts of the country.

Miss Clarice Pederson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pederson of Langhei, and Mr. Thorlief Landaas of Starbuck were united in marriage on Oct. 21, at the home of the groom’s parents. The bride’s attendant was Miss Solveig Landaas and the groom was attended by Palmer Pederson.

The following students in the local high school appear on the honor roll for the first six weeks period: Seniors: Ella Forbord, Margaret Larson, Florence Pederson, Naomi Gorder. Juniors: Carl Anderson, Joyce Erickson, Esther Amundson, Rose Pederson, Edner Hustad, Manley Kjonaas. Sophomores: Carl Larson, Margaret Ramstad, Jeneva Skoglund. Freshmen: Vivian Aslagson, Bernice Berge, Brenton Myking, Adeline Nodland, Ellen Erickson, Sylvia Kamrud.

Miss Myrtle Wollan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Wollanand James Wade, son of Mrs. J. Wade of Brainerd were married at the Indherred parsonage on Wednesday by Rev. G.O. Forde. Their attendants were Alice and Kermit Wollan.

Lorraine Aaberg, who has been assisting her father in the meat market, accidentally locked herself in the cooler on Monday. She was alone in the shop at the time, so she was there for about half an hour when a customer came in and opened the door.

Miss Ella Urness and Mr. Melker Overby were united in marriage at the Indherred parsonage on Oct. 14 by Rev. G.O. Forde. They were attended by Bertha Urness and Louis Nygaard.

Miss Esther Pederson and Chester Olson were married at the Rolling Fors parsonage on Oct. 20, by Rev. G.G. Beito. Miss Mabel Olson and Sylvester Pederson were their attendants.


From Oct. 26, 1944

Completing 17 weeks of training at Carlisle, PA, a large group of enlisted men at the medical department today received commissions as Second Lieutenants after their graduation from Officers Candidate School, Carlisle Barracks. Among the graduates was 2nd Lieut. Lloyd B. Landmark, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.G. Landmark of Starbuck.

Bonnie Rae Arneson, 9-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Arneson of Garfield passed away Oct. 20 at St. Luke’s Hospital. Funeral services were held from the West Moe Church. She is survived by her parents; three sisters, three brothers and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Erick Hoium.

Miss Olive Halvorson, daughter of Hans and Nina Halvorson and Roy Berens, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Berens of Benson were married Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 9 a.m. at St. Francis Catholic Church in Benson. The couple will make their home on the groom’s fathers farm.

L.L. Barsness made a deal this week whereby he bought the Noyes Cafe from George W. Noyes and will take possession Nov. 1.


From Oct. 21, 1954

An open house at the Starbuck Furniture Mart on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week was really a “full house” most of the time as the store kept overflowing. With new stock on display, and the bank building not yet available to the store, as it will be soon, it took some quick thinking at times to care for such a large number in the present quarters. Doughnuts and coffee were served all day Saturday. Winners of the free prizes were Judin Stadsvold, a Sealy Golden Sleep mattress; Mrs. Casper Hoverson, Salisbury Festival mattress and matching box spring; Tilmer C. Berg, Land O’Nod Cozy Rest mattress; and Ernie Hoium, gold occasional chair.

A large number of relatives and friends gathered at the St. John’s church parlors on Saturday afternoon, October 9, to honor Carolyn Kjera at a bridal shower. The parlors were beautifully decorated with autumn flowers. The guest of honor was presented with a large number of gifts.

An open house will be held in the Fron church parlors Sunday afternoon, October 24, for Mr. and Mrs. Nels Opheim in honor of their golden wedding anniversary.


From Oct. 22, 1964

Indian summer made its appearance last week, with the mercury climbing to summer-like readings but changed over the weekend when lows were below freezing. High winds prevailed which tossed leaves over freshly raked lawns.

Mr. and Mrs. Christ M. Pederson were honored at a reception on their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 13 at the Fron Church parlors.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kirkwold, Ogden, Utah, announce the birth of their first child, Thomas Larry, on Oct. 20. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ole Rosby and Mr. and Mrs. Claremont Kirkwold.

Miss Darlene Klassen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klassen of Benson became the bride of Gerald Dokken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edner Dokken of Starbuck at the St. Francis Catholic Church in Benson on June 20, Father David Roney performed the ceremony.

Funeral services for Mrs. Conrad Barsness were conducted at the Immanuel Lutheran Church on Sept. 23, Rev. James Sumption officiating. She is survived by her husband and two children, Kermit and Irene (Mrs. Randall Albrectson). Also surviving are 10 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren, four sisters and one brother.


From Oct. 24, 1974

Wesley Hanson, owner of the Starbuck Telephone Co. announced that James Spore has been hired as the new manager to replace Orlando Follingstad who recently resigned.

Orlene Leese, Maynard, and Ronald Gorder, Starbuck were united in marriage August 10th at the Maynard Lutheran Church in Maynard. Rev. Neal Olson, Maynard, and Rev. Richard Hagestuen, uncle of the groom, Mandan, ND, performed the 2 p.m. ceremony.

Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leese, Jr., Maynard, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gorder, Jr. of Starbuck.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Anderson of Lowry announced the engagement of their daughter, Jane to Mr. Larry D. Suess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Linus Suess of Hector, MN. A November wedding is planned. 

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson of Morris returned home on Monday after spending over a week visiting relatives in Montana. They visited the Jerry Johnsons in Great Falls and the Dr. Jerold Johnsons at White Fish. Enroute home they visited the Harold Nogle family in Verdon, SD.

A grain dryer at the Melvin Baukol farm caught fire Saturday. Quick action by the Starbuck Fire Dept. averted any serious damage. The firemen put out the smoking grain.

The name of Henry Charles Hammer was drawn Tuesday afternoon for the $100 Buck drawing. He was not present to claim the prize. Next week’s jackpot will be advanced to $125.00 in Starbuck Bucks.


From Oct. 24, 1984

Births: A son, Cory Steven to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gullickson Oct. 17; a daughter, Jackie Lynn to Mr. and Mrs. David Erickson of Willmar Oct. 4.

Loris Genell Rittgers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rittgers and Dean Allen Lokkesmoe of Mankato were married at East Zion Lutheran Church July 28. The couple will make their home in Mankato.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Delores Amundson of Lowry bought Dave’s Market in Lowry from Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Shirley Mork. The Amundsons will assume the business on Oct. 29 and will call it D&D Grocery.

Malinda Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey and Daniel Kent of Clontarf were married August 4th at the Fron Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Burnsville.

Airman Robert M. Payne, son of Albert and Elizabeth Payne of Starbuck, has completed Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. He will remain at Lackland for specialized training in the security police field.

Pastor Lauren Bjokne of Lowry was ordained to the gospel ministry Sept. 23 at the Granite City Baptist Church. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bjokne of Lowry. 


From Oct. 19, 1994

Ron Nelsen, Adult Educational Instructor with the Agricultural Education program at Minnewaska Area High School, will soon receive the Honorary American FFA degree, the highest honorary award presented by the Future Farmers of America at their National Convention in Kansas City, Mo. No more than 1% of all agriculture/agriscience education teachers nationwide receive this award annually.

Funeral services for Ada Pederson, 88, were held at East Zion Lutheran Church Oct. 12. She is survived by 11 children: Betty Nordaune of Montevideo, Roger of Starbuck, Jerry of Hawley, Sharon Boldenow of Fergus Falls, Philip of Sauk Rapids, Dianne Peterson of Willmar, Jeannie Pladson of Richfield, Rollo of St. Louis Park, Cari Becker of Rich-field, Flo Kallenbach of Maddock, ND and Harvey Pederson of Starbuck.

An Open House 50th Wedding Anniversary honoring Art and Alice Millerbernd will be held Saturday, October 22, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Glenwood. May your presence be your gift.

An Open House will be held in honor of the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Ted and Sandy Swenson on Sunday, October 23,at the Lowry Area Community Center in Lowry.


From Oct. 20, 2004 

Minnesota Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer stopped in Starbuck Friday evening and played piano for Minnewaska Lutheran Home residents during the dinner hour. Kiffmeyer toured parts of the state Friday to talk to students about voting and to answer election-related questions from long-term care facility residents and staff. The General Election is just 13 days away.

Starbuck native Tammy Salonen is opening a fitness center in Glenwood, offering aerobics, strength training, a juice bar and more. Minnewaska Wellness and Fitness hosted its grand opening on Oct. 15 and Oct. 16. At the opening people tried out the facility equipment, signed up for a membership, registered to win a membership and tried juices and snacks. 

Steve and Pat Dinsmore returned from a two-week trip to Ireland recently. Last week they celebrated Steve’s birthday. Guests were his mother, Muriel Dinsmore of Fergus Falls, Lara and Kurt Amundson and boys of Starbuck, Julie Abraham and family of Long Prairie, and Mike Dinsmore of Forest Lake.

Lowry’s new postmaster is Dennis Jones. Formerly working here in 1981, he then was a post office supervisor in Alexandria for nine years before becoming Hoffman’s postmaster for 12 years. In May he was honored as “Postmaster of the Year” by the Minnesota Chapter of the League of Postmasters.


From Oct. 22, 2014

Starbuck City Council approved unanimously to appoint Bruce Bakewell to finish the last two months of his term as mayor after accepting his resignation letter earlier in the city council meeting last Monday. Bakewell put in a letter of resignation as Mayor due to moving outside the city limits at the end of September.

Dr. F.D. Bucher is turning 90 this month! He practiced medicine in Starbuck from 1950-85 and has impacted many lives in this area much more than he realizes. He has requested that there be no party or open house. We think it would be fun for him to get emails and/or notes from former patients and friends with memories of his years as a physician. ~Dr. Bucher’s children.

In recognition of Fire Prevention Week (October 5-11), the Starbuck Fire Department hosted the Glacial Hills Elementary kindergartners at the Fire Hall on Friday for a tour before heading to GHE to talk to students about the importance of making sure smoke detectors in their houses are tested to see if the batteries are working, as well as to check them every month. This year’s Fire Prevention theme is “Working Smoke: Alarms Save Lives.” On Saturday, the fire department held a pork chop supper at the Starbuck VFW to wrap up the week.