Tribune holds “Everybody Wins” prize contest

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Oct. 23, 1924

Saturday Last Chance To Get The Big Vote—Sealed ballot box at Glenwood State Bank all of the next week—Contest closes one week from Saturday night. Your subscriptions now will help more then—All regrets after race is lost. Leader Saturday night has top-heavy chance to win Oldsmobile Touring car. Candidates in The Pope County Tribune’s big “Everybody Wins” prize contest has reached the turn, maneuvered themselves into place for the final go and from now until the finish will be battling for supremacy under whip and spur. With honors thus far equally divided, leading candidates are preparing with feverish haste and intensity to make the final stand for victory before nine o’clock Saturday night, October 25th—the close of the “second period”—and incidentally the last of the subscriptions to be accepted direct by the contest department.

The Progressive forces of the county have arranged for a number of political meetings for the next week and this week. The first meeting will be this Friday evening in Hoff township in District No. 29. The others are as follows: Grove Lake–Saturday evening, October 25th in Woodman Hall. Speakers: Paul Kvale, Hon. Johnshoy and Senator Lee. Villard–Monday evening, October 27th. Speakers: Paul Kvale, Hon. Johnshoy and Senator Lee. Terrace—Wednesday evening, October 29th. Speakers: Hon. Johnshoy, Senator Lee and others. Walden—Wednesday evening, October 29th in school district No. 44. Speakers: Herman Zanders and P. S. Otteson. Glenwood—Thursday evening, October 30 at the McCauley Opera House at 9:00 p.m. Speaker: Hon. Johnshoy. Dr. Christenson of Starbuck will also speak at as many of these meetings as he can reach.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Oct. 23, 1924

The football game at Alexandria last Saturday between the Glenwood high school team and the Alexandria high school team resulted in a score of 19 to 9 in Alexandria’s favor. The score stood 9 to 0 shortly before the end of the third quarter, but after that, a number of substitutions were made in the Glenwood team and as a result, the Alexandria team made three touchdowns the latter part of the game. The substitutions necessary as a result of injuries. 

Remember the hospital lutefisk and cream chicken supper at the town hall Saturday, Nov. 1. The ladies aid at Lowry recently donated $10 to the hospital here which was greatly appreciated by the hospital auxiliary.

Sedan high school has made arrangement with the Andrew Gump Circus Co. for an exhibit in the school house Oct. 31. Andy travels with his company and has personal supervision of the circus. He states that most of the freaks have been sent over to this country from Australia by his uncle Bim. Andy has given us his word that this will be the first time that his circus has been on exhibit and that because of his pressing political duties it will be the last.

Miss Ella Lee has improved her shop in that she has fixed up the little balcony which was formerly used as an office and put in a very fine line of needle art work. This is a very pretty display and adds much to the attractiveness of the shop.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Oct. 24, 1924

Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Christenson motored to the cities on Wednesday evening of last week. They attended the big La Follette meeting at the auditorium on Thursday evening following. From there they went to Owatonna, the doctor’s boyhood home, where on Saturday they celebrated his birthday and their wedding anniversary. On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday he attended the Mayo Clinics at Rochester. Doctor says it was a very enjoyable trip. They returned Wednesday evening.

The Kiwanis club of Morris has issued a challenge to the Kiwanis club of Glenwood for a contest to see which can get out the largest percentage of voters to the polls on November 4. The club at Glenwood has the matter under consideration and an answer to the challenge is expected in a few days.

Instruction in Dressmaking: Thorough training in cutting, designing and dress finishing. Latest methods. You can learn how to sew in from six to eight weeks. Reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call or write for catalog. Mrs. J. C. Mecklenburg, Hancock, Minn.