A huge shout out and thank you!

From Mary Hofmann


This is a huge “thank you” to Theresa Tibbetts, Brenda Ahrens, Jim Thoreen, John Messenger, Eileen Halverson and others whose names I missed or didn’t have a chance to read their letters to the editor.  I also want to thank the NFL players and celebrities who told us to get out and vote.  Without your encouragement many of us would have not gotten off our duffs and gone to stand in line to fill out the ballots.  You encouraged us to vote as if our lives and the future of the country depended on it!  We listened and we decided our future and those of our children and grandchildren DID depend on how we voted this time.

We voted for the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the 4th amendment (P’nut the squirrel, this one’s for you), our wallets, our safety, our energy independence and the lives of the unborn.  We voted to stop (hopefully) the mutilation of our children, we voted for the bringing of jobs back to our country, our military and not wanting to get into WWIII.   We decided we wanted a cap on unfettered spending to places we shouldn’t be and for frivolous items we don’t need or want.

Granted, there was a lot of vitriol (on both sides), a lot of lies and comments taken out of context (on both sides), name calling (on both sides), but in the end, the people of the United States have spoken.  They have made their choice, just as in previous elections and there is one side that is not happy.  So now it’s time to turn the page, chart a new way forward, and become unburdened by what has been.  Time to truly work together for this country.  We will talk again in FOUR MORE YEARS!

So thank you, danke schoen, philamayaye, milgwech, mahadsanid, tack, takk, mucho gracias, grazie.  And goodnight, Irene!

A time to pray for all leaders

From  Bruce Bouwman 


Well, the election is finally over. This being a very historic election as so much was at stake in trying to resolve the problems in this country. Was there a true winner, that remains to be seen. It basically went the way I thought it would as people of this country come out to vote to make big changes from the current administration. A lot of common sense people came out to vote this time.

The new administration will inherit a big mess, not that the Republicans were also not a part of it. Debt will be the greatest challenge for this country to overcome. This country cannot continue to spend itself into oblivion. That is on a federal government level, the state and our personal debt. Debt can paralyze us to a point where this country could go into a possible depression. Pride and greed have taken over in the lives of many in our country, especially the elites.

Will President Donald Trump and his new administration be able to meet the demands of this country? I say, this is a time now for our country to pray for all our political leaders to reach out to God and ask for his guidance in their decisions in this new congress. Will this be easy to repair a damaged country, no. But by working together as people of this great and free nation nothing is impossible. Just don’t leave God out of the picture!