Minnesotans are reminded to act now to avoid losing heat and electricity this winter
News | Published on December 16, 2024 at 11:36am CST
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission reminds Minnesotans that the annual Cold Weather Rule protections started on October 1. The rule prevents utilities from shutting off the natural gas or electricity of residential customers who are behind on their bills from Oct. 1 through April 30. But it’s not an automatic protection. Customers must contact their utility and set up a payment plan to avoid disconnection.
Under the Cold Weather Rule, customers who have a combined household income at or below 50 percent of the state median income are not required to pay more than 10 percent of their household income toward current and past heating bills. Additionally, all Minnesota residents who struggle to pay heating bills may be able to arrange a Cold Weather Rule payment plan and should contact their service provider for assistance.
“The Cold Weather Rule is a critically important law that ensures Minnesotans don’t have their heat cut off in the cold winter months,” said Commissioner Hwikwon Ham. “If you are having difficulties working with your utilities, please contact the Commission’s Consumer Affairs Office for assistance with Cold Weather Rule protections.”
The Cold Weather Rule does not apply to delivered fuels such as fuel oil, propane or wood. While a state law requires that propane distributors offer all customers a budget plan, Minnesotans who use these fuels are encouraged to contact the companies serving them to discuss payment options.
The Commission’s Consumer Affairs Office is here to assist Minnesota residents keep the heat on. More information is available on our website at mn.gov/puc/cwr, via email at consumer.puc@state.mn.us, or by calling 651-296-0406 or 800-657-3782. There are staff available Monday through Friday. Spanish and Hmong speakers available.
Article contributed by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission