Pope County Commissioner Larry Lindor is now First Vice President of the Association of Minnesota Counties.

Other officers elected include county commissioners from Cass, Meeker, Dakota and Scott Counties.

The Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) announced the election of Dakota County Commissioner Mike Slavik to serve as association President in 2025.

As president of AMC, Slavik presides over board of directors meetings, serves at the primary spokesperson for the association and represents AMC at both state and nationwide meetings.

Other 2025 AMC Officers elected this week include: Larry Lindor, Pope County Commissioner AMC First Vice President; Barb Weckman Brekke, Scott County Commissioner AMC Second Vice President; Neal Gaalswyk, Cass County Commissioner AMC Past President; and  Steve Schmitt, Meeker County Commissioner AMC Secretary/Treasurer.

AMC has been serving Minnesota’s 87 counties since 1909. AMC is a voluntary statewide organization that assists the state’s 87 counties in providing effective county governance to the people of Minnesota. The association works closely with the legislative and administrative branches of government in seeing that legislation and policies favorable to counties are enacted. In addition, the association provides educational programs, training, research and communications for county officials.