Do you have an agritourism business idea, but unsure if it’ll be successful? Are you wanting to add value to your current farming operation, but not sure where to begin? Or perhaps you’re new to farming, but have an awesome idea of how to connect the public with food production? 

University of Minnesota Extension will present a roadshow of workshops, both online and in-person across the state January through February.Writing a business plan can dramatically increase the success of implementing your business ideas and goals. 

In these workshops, participants will learn what an agritourism business is – the intersection of farming and tourism. Participants will learn the steps to writing a useful and effective business plan and will learn how using AgPlan, an online business planning software that can give tips and examples to make the writing process easier. 

“Sustained business success doesn’t come from chance, fate or good luck”, says Susanne Hinrichs, Extension educator with the Agricultural Business Management team at University of Minnesota Extension, “To run a successful and profitable business, it is critical that a person understand, implement and value the process of effective business planning and this workshop will get you started or jump start your existing plan.”

These workshops are free and will guide you in creating a business plan to bring your agritourism vision to life.

• Jan. 14: In-person at Cambridge, 9-11 a.m.

• Jan. 15: In-person at Virginia, 2:30-5:30 p.m.

• Jan. 22: In-person at Pelican Rapids, 4-6 p.m.

• Jan. 27: In-person at St. Joseph, 4-6 p.m.

• Jan. 28: Webinar, 6-7:30 p.m.

• Jan. 28: In-person watch party at Cologne, 6-8 p.m.

To register or find out more about these 2-hour workshops, go to

Also, a five-part agritourism business planning series will happen in February and March to give participants a more in-depth cohort experience. Each week a different section of AgPlan will be featured. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. To find out more information about any of these offerings, go to

University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Article contributed by University of Minnesota Extension