Jan and Dave Arneson (center) were special guests at the Minnewaska Rotary Club meeting accepting truckloads of food and clothing for the Pope County Families in Need, an organization that Jan Arneson started and has been operating for 66 years.  Pope County Families in Need provides a “helping hand” to Pope County families who need an economic boost.  The Minnewaska Rotary Club also donated $500 to Pope County Families in Need and the Glacial Ridge Ambulance Service stopped by the meeting with an ambulance full of food for the cause. Each year the Rotary Club and its members seek donations for Pope County Families in Need and this year was especially significant.  Above, members of the Rotary Club along with Ambulance Service personnel stand in front of tables of donated food, hygiene, clothing, winter apparel and more.  Below, the ambulance crew paused after unloading many boxes of food and other items from the back of an ambulance.