Sixth grade students from Glacial Hills Elementary and Minnewaska Area Elementary Schools participated in the 2024-2025 Lions Clubs International Peace Poster Contest thanks to the Glenwood and Lowry Lions Clubs and 6th grade teachers.   

Each student took on the challenge of creating a poster depicting peace around the world under the theme of “Peace without Limits.”   

 Lions’ Clubs around the world have proudly sponsored the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local schools and youth groups for the past three decades.  It’s estimated that more than 450,000 students participate in this contest each year. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. 

This past week the local Lions Clubs hosted seven students and their families whose posters were selected as the best of the local sixth graders’ art posters for a dinner at Captains’ and recognition of their accomplishments. 

Lion Adam Palan from Lowry and Glenwood Lion Mike Bartell presented the cash awards after asking each contestant to share what inspired them to create their poster. 

The top three Posters (Elliot L., Dylann K., and  Karsen P.) as judged by a group of teachers were sent onto the Minnesota Lions 5M4 District’s mid-winter convention in Alexandria to compete with posters from several other local Lions’ Club entries. 

To check out the Int’l Lions Clubs top entries from around the world visit the following website:

To learn more about Lions Clubs International contact Lion Dennis Jones from Lowry Lions Club at or Lion Jerry Wright from  Glenwood Lions Club at

–Prepared by Jerry Wright, 

Glenwood Lions Secretary