
  • DNR urges snowmobilers to ride safely

    | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:13pm CST

    The upcoming long weekend coupled with moderate temperatures will kick an already busy snowmobile season into high gear.  Already this snowmobile season, too many rides have ended in tragedy. While the DNR doesn’t yet have official reports for all fatalities, preliminary reports indicate six riders have died in crashes this season.  To ensure a safe ride:… Read More

  • DNR celebrates EagleCam’s first decade

    | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:10pm CST

    The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is celebrating 10 years of the EagleCam, a popular annual livestream of a bald eagle nest in Minnesota. The first season of the DNR EagleCam began in January 2013, after the Nongame Wildlife Program installed a webcam in a tree next to an active bald eagle nest. The livestream has… Read More

  • Starbuck Glimpses in The Past

    | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:10pm CST

    110 YEARS AGO From February 21, 1913 Another of the old and sturdy pioneers has passed away. Ole J. Haugen, 83, died last Saturday surrounded by his wife and daughters, who made his last days on earth as happy as kind hands could make them. He is survived by his wife, Bertha and seven children: Mrs. Erik… Read More

  • Down Memory Lane

    | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:07pm CST

    Locals win the lottery Feb. 14, 1963 – Glenwood’s vocal music instructor, Harold Skilbred, and its band director, George Opheim, returned from the District No. 22 music contests with high praise for local musicians. Of the 12 entries picked to enter regional competition, five were from Glenwood. They included Pam Fischer, Barbara Kuhns, Jackie Hanson, Ruth… Read More

  • Pope County Museum Notes

    | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:07pm CST

    Cigar market thriving in northern Minnesota From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Feb. 15, 1923. One of those old fashioned storms that the old settlers have told us about struck this country on Tuesday. The morning was rather mild and a south wind with a cloudy sky. Shortly before noon the wind turned to the northwest… Read More

  • College scholarship available for students majoring in the area of natural resources

    | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:01pm CST

    The Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society (MPCS) is offering a $1,000 scholarship available to college students who have completed at least three semesters in the Natural Resources areas. This scholarship will be awarded directly to the student upon completion of at least their third semester to help allay the costs of college studies. Applicants can secure… Read More

  • It’s the 5th anniversary of ‘Be Kind’

    | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:00pm CST

    As 2023 marks the 5th anniversary of BeKind, members were excited to receive so many drawings and paintings of turtles from Minnewaska Area Schools 7th – 12th graders. They represent the theme, “Keep Going Keep Growing Kindness” as turtles symbolize wisdom, longevity, perseverance and steadfastness. Thank you to MAHS Art Teacher, Marit Salveson, for encouraging… Read More

  • GHES adding child care, starting farm-to-school program

    | Published on February 6, 2023 at 2:26pm CST

    By Kris Goracke Reporter Embracing change is a way of doing business at Glacial Hills Elementary School in Starbuck.  Two new changes for the school are the addition of childcare and starting a new farm-to-school program called Full Tray. “Our target to open the childcare is the fall of 2023,” said school director Jodee Lund.  “We are currently in… Read More

  • Rolling Forks Vineyards earns national recognition

    | Published on February 6, 2023 at 2:22pm CST

    Rolling Forks Vineyard, of Glenwood, recently earned top honors at the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition for three of their locally made wines. The vineyard’s 2020 LaCrescent and 2020 Marquette both earned Double Gold awards, and their 2021 Frontenac Blanc garnered a Gold distinction. Joe Cihlar, co-owner, and Darrien Wallin serve as resident winemakers for Rolling… Read More

  • Annual Winterama is this Saturday

    | Published on February 6, 2023 at 2:21pm CST

    Get ready to celebrate winter. The annual Glenwood Winterama is set for this Saturday, Feb. 11, outside on Lake Minnewaska near the Lakeside Ballroom.   The event, organized each year by Glenwood & Beyond as a fundraiser for its activities, will resume with many of the popular activities that have become associated with Winterama. The event will… Read More

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