From Where I Sit

By Pat Spilseth, Columnist

Around the Thanksgiving table did you add your thoughts to the round robin question of “What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?” That’s been annual ritual at our family Thanksgiving, and I’m so pleased that we still continue this custom.

Around the world there are so many living without the basic necessities of food, shelter and good health. Even with the homeless problem and health pandemics, rising inflation prices at the grocery store and high home prices, many of us in America have more than enough to be grateful for.

I like the idea of when I go to bed each evening, I make a mental list of what blessings I’m thankful to have. Attitudes of gratitude sets a positive tone for me to dream about and to face the coming morning. Try it and see how you sleep.

I’m grateful for good health. Though I feel like a “walking drug store” with my stash of pill bottles, I’m grateful there are pills to aid any problems with blood pressure and cholesterol. I’m also grateful for a favorite doctor to guide my health. Though she’s retiring, she helped me select another doctor for my needs.

I’m grateful for a loving family: a good husband, children and grandchildren. Everyone if healthy, has happy, mostly healthy families (kid viruses are rampant). Our kids, Kate and Andy are employed in jobs they enjoy. The couples are good parents and thoughtful to Dave and me, their aging parents.

I’m grateful for the friendships I have had for many years. Friends are so important to talk with and share life’s ups and downs, successes and disappointments. Maintaining friendships through the years adds memories I treasure.

I’m grateful that we live on a beautiful lake with woods and good neighbors. I’m happy that I feel ok about borrowing an ingredient I’m missing when baking. It’s great to have ready pals to walk with me or go to lunch or shop. I’m happy to have neighbors I can call for help if I need a ride or shoveling or to fix something.

I’m grateful for my friends who are in a book club and bridge club. Both groups have met together for over 40 years. When our children were growing and getting into some mischief, it was good to share these misadventures and how to deal with problems. My kids wondered how I knew about their foibles…

I’m grateful that I have a husband who is kind, supportive and a good companion. We’re not Mr. and Mrs. Excitement, but we enjoy being together. Though we don’t agree on everything, we compromise and move on rather that stew about problems. 

I’m grateful that I can go to the grocery store and not worry about my spending. Being under financial pressure takes lots of joy away from life. We’re frugal folks, not spendthrifts nor cheap. Both my husband and I grew up with parents who had lived through the depression and were careful with money. I hope we taught our kids the same values as our parents instilled in us. Being in debt is full of pressure.

I’m grateful that our children are generous with friends and employees. They’re not selfish people; they are tolerant to give folks another chance.  Both kids have many loyal friends they highly value. Friends make arrangements to meet regularly to keep their friendships alive.

I hope you’ve had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and find yourself filled with gratitude for your many blessings.    

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