Cyber Moment

By Mike Pfeiffer, Columnist

CyberFyfe LLC

Welcome to the Cyber Moment!

In this monthly column, we’ll embark on a journey through the intricate and increasingly critical world of cybersecurity.  As we stand in the digital age, the relevance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated—especially for small businesses and individuals in our community. Our mission here is not just to inform but to empower you with practical knowledge and strategies to defend against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Why Cybersecurity Matters More Than Ever

In our inaugural piece, let’s dive into a compelling aspect of cybersecurity: the rising tide of cyber threats facing small businesses and individuals. You might think that cybercriminals mainly target big corporations with deep pockets. However, the reality is quite the contrary. Small businesses are becoming more appealing to cybercriminals because they often lack the robust security measures of larger organizations.

The small business, the backbone of our economy, is at an increasing risk. A report from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) highlights a startling trend: small businesses are the target of 43% of cyber-attacks. What’s more concerning is that a significant percentage of these businesses lack the necessary resources to recover from such attacks, leading to severe consequences including financial loss, data breach, and in some cases, even business closure.

The Cybersecurity


There’s a common misconception that cybersecurity is too complex or expensive for small businesses or individuals. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Yes, the field of cybersecurity can be complex, but there are straightforward and cost-effective steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk.

Starting with CyberFyfe Five

Think of cyber hygiene as the digital equivalent of personal hygiene. It’s about maintaining good practices, habits, and security measures to keep data and systems safe. Here are some fundamental steps:

1. Strong Passwords & Two-Factor Authentication: Ensure that all accounts have strong, unique passwords. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible. This adds an extra layer of security beyond just the password.

2. Regular Software Updates: Keep all your software, including antivirus programs, updated. Software updates often include patches for security vulnerabilities that have been discovered since the last update.

3. Awareness Training: Human error is a significant factor in cyber breaches. Educating yourself and your team on recognizing phishing emails, suspicious links, and other scams can drastically reduce the risk.

4. Secure Your Networks: Use a firewall and encrypt your Wi-Fi networks. If you have remote employees, ensure they use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access work systems.

5. Backup Your Data: Regularly backup your data and ensure it can be easily restored. This is vital in the case of a ransomware attack, where attackers encrypt your data and demand a ransom for its release.

In future columns, we’ll delve deeper into each of these aspects and more. We’ll explore current threats like phishing, ransomware, and emerging technologies in cybersecurity. Plus, we’ll provide insights into regulatory compliances and how they impact small businesses.

Engagement and Feedback

Our community’s engagement is vital. We welcome your questions, feedback, and suggestions for future topics just email or call. Together, we can build a safer digital environment for our businesses and ourselves. Remember, cybersecurity is not a one-time effort; it’s a continuous journey.

Stay tuned for our next edition, where we’ll discuss the increasing threat of ransomware and how you can protect your business and personal data from this menacing cyber-attack.

Stay Safe Online.

Mike Pfeiffer, CyberFyfe LLC can be reahed at 320-228-6954 ,  or Facebook