Collaborative Corner On The Move

By Jeannie Pederson, Pope County Initiative Coordinator

One of the many good things that makes Pope County great began over 32 years ago. Armful of Love was created as a way to pay it forward from women who had experienced kindness themselves or had witnessed so many unmet needs throughout the year and especially at Christmastime. Those on the steering committee included: Sue Gulso, Twylah Yankovec, Sue Puchalski, Rev. Kathy Horn and Paula Hoverud. They are to be admired for their dedication to sharing such love, understanding with no judgment, respect and joy for parents/caregivers in the season of thanks and giving. Our community deserves the same for supporting families through Armful of Love for so many years. Thank you!

In 1998, the Pope County Family Collaborative was asked to continue their legacy.

Over the many years, you have helped hundreds of families who are experiencing stress and are in need for many reasons, many unexpected. There have also been hundreds of volunteers as you reach out a helping hand where needed or provide gifts and funds to continue helping families.

This year, 119 families received a certificate for groceries that included a Christmas meal while 285 of their children received toys and essentials on their Christmas Wish Lists.

Whether participating as a volunteer, sponsor for families or donating gifts or funds, we are very appreciative of community members, businesses and organizations, serving as partners in this labor of love.

Families have had so many reactions to express their gratitude. They’ve shown it through, smiles, tears, hugs and thank you messages while wishing us a Merry Christmas.

In a future photo and article, more expressions of gratitude will be shared on behalf of the Armful of Love Committee. You’ll also read some of the comments from families who share reactions from their children upon opening their gifts.

Thank you to Merlin Peterson at the Pope County Historical Museum for shedding light on some of the Armful of Love history.

When I think of my own family history, I’ll be spending my first Christmas without my mother and 15 years already without our son, Andrew. It’s a feeling of loss mixed with a deep sense of gratitude for all the lessons in life they both shared with me. Tears well up as I’m writing this, as it’s also mixed with thinking of you and who you’re missing this Christmas and for those from years past. I wish for you to find some peace and love in your memories with an abundance of understanding and kindness from others. I heard it said, “How can you not see God in all the little places?” Kindness shared and given comes in all different sizes. It’s there, we just have to see it. Blessings to all!