Remember a few things before voting

From Timothy Fiala, Glenwood

When going to the polls in November I am not telling you (forcing you who to vote for). But instead, just remember that when Walz and Ellison were prosecuting restaurant owners and they were letting criminals burn down and loot Minneapolis without any repercussions. Also let’s not forget the major surplus that Walz is sitting on and not giving back to the taxpayers.

Here in Minnesota. Let’s not forget how Walz raked the frontline workers in Minnesota over the coals by giving them a whooping $487. So, when going to the polls just remember that Walz has failed miserably, so vote for who you believe is the best candidate for Minnesota. 

So don’t let an educator force you who to vote for, just look at the statistics and use your best judgement.

A 35% crime rate increase, out of control inflation and declining education for children, failure to support law enforcement and how he let rioters in large groups gather but wouldn’t allow families to gather.