Responds to March 17 letter

From Theresa Tibbetts,


Oh, Inga. You would not have to “defend yourself” if you didn’t say such ridiculous things!

Let’s start with the Orange Felon. I call him that because he uses that ridiculous orange make-up and he IS a FELON. Proven in a court of LAW by his peers. Accept it.

He got “all those votes” by lying to his base. By the Democrats totally screwing themselves. NOT because God Anointed him the savior of the world. A Christian? You make me belly laugh with that one! My guess is he credits God for saving him because he thinks that will get him to heaven. I don’t believe that’s going to happen.

He did NOT win by a Landslide. Yes. He won. I accept that. I do believe the illegal South African BOUGHT the presidency for himself since he cannot be, and has proceeded to destroy our country. And the Felon has allowed it so he can play golf, make kissy face with Putin and make more money with his grifts.

America First. Again a belly laugh. All the CRAP that he is selling – for his own profit – is made in CHINA. If Americans are suffering so badly how do you justify him selling $100,000. Watches & expecting you to buy one to enrich himself? How do you justify selling Bibles make in CHINA for $60 or however much he asks now? How do you justify selling “Gold Sneakers” with his name on it for his own personal gain? And in the next breath talk about Biden and how HORRIBLE his administration was, but yet wants you to buy his overpriced CRAP from China because “we are in such dire situations?”

Let’s go to the January 6, 2021 INSURRECTION BY DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. You “wholeheartedly support law enforcement”? How? They were violently beaten, pepper/bear sprayed. Some had severe injuries trying to defend OUR HOUSE! They did it because of the Felon’s LIES about a stolen election. LIES proven over 60 times in courts.

FACTS!  I watched it LIVE and SAW what happened. Did You? Or are you just regurgitating the Felons Lies? And now, just because he knows the courts will follow the Constitution and the Rule of Law, NOT him, he has just decided to do whatever the hell he wants and  just IGNORE and DEFY those same courts.

The South African DID use a NAZI Salute. He has SO many conflicts of interest that he has NO BUSINESS in American Democracy! His interests include China, Russia, and anywhere he can make a buck!! Well, he is now losing it slowly here!!

Extremely Rude Democrats? Again, Belly laugh! You apparently missed Marjorie Taylor Green and Boebbert during EVERY Biden speech. The disrespect was DISGRACEFUL and has been paid back in kind. Accept it!

The Resolute desk the Felon had sent out. It’s just ironic he didn’t think it needed to be refinished until the kid picked his nose and wiped it on the desk.

The Felon thinks HE is the smartest. HE is the only one who knows anything about Science, Business, Healthcare, Insurance… HE thinks HE is the ONLY ONE who can “FIX” our country. Of course, that’s after he destroys it and then becomes the Hero. Another Belly laugh. So tell me again how much he cares about anyone but himself.

I wish him no ill will. Only to GO AWAY and STOP the LIES!

If you don’t like me calling him the Orange Felon, since you’re so tight with him, get him to STOP calling ANYONE who doesn’t kiss his ring derogatory, racist names. When that happens, I will stop speaking the TRUTH about HIM!

On a lighter note. Jim Thoreen, Thank You for the heartwarming giggle I got, as I’m sure many did, with your last letter. It was much appreciated!

Why let private schools into public school tournaments?

From Rick Anderson,


I don’t know why I’m wasting time writing this. I don’t expect it to change things, but it makes me feel better. It only falls on deaf ears. Why this has been allowed to happen, I don’t know. No one can give me an answer. Could it be the fault of the Minnesota State High School League or the laws and lawyers that have caused or let this occur? What I’m referring to, of course, is participation of PRIVATE schools in PUBLIC school activities like tournaments. Our public schools aren’t good enough for them so they created their own. If our public schools aren’t good enough for them, how can they let our public school extracurricular activities influence their precious children’s lives. When I was growing up, the private schools had their own culminating activities like a tournament for example. What’s happened?

It’s a crying shame when the Minnewaska girls got beat by Blake a few years back and a few days ago when the Minnewaska girls were taken out by Providence Academy. And how about other schools like little Hancock having their seasons end at the hands of a private school. Rumor has it, recruiting and scholarships may be coming into play. Yet private schools are still participating in our public tournaments. Maybe that’s the answer – public means open to all even in this unique circumstance. What can be done to stop this? I don’t know. Maybe someone reading this can enlighten me. To me, the solution is simple – have your own tournaments. If that happens, I promise not to brag or shout – I’ll keep it PRIVATE!

P.S. The Minnewaska players and coaches are to be commended. They kept their cool and worked hard right up to the end, even under some difficult officiating conditions. Coach Randt even snuck in a “hi” to his mother. And how about the Minnewaska student that sang our National Anthem? Wow – it was wonderful and sung the way Francis Scott Key meant for it to be sung – not some other version like we usually hear!

Some political observations

Given that we have enjoyed some prolonged winter weather but also have appreciated some warm sunshine, perhaps a mixture of political observations will match the seasons.

Jeers: What? Bear more children… then your state gets more highway money?

U.S. Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy last month signed a Trump administration letter which gives transportation funding priority to communities with birth and marriage rates higher than the national average. More kids (born to married couples), more money for highways. The Minnesota Star Tribune issue of March 2 stated that Duffy claims to “mandate reliance on rigorous economic analysis” for loans and grants that support the nation’s roads, bridges and transit systems. What does that mean? Well, perhaps the Transportation Secretary is developing a fail-safe application process in which GOP States simply say, “We Want Some Money!” States which elect Democrats simply get a set of directions as to how to get from the back of the line to the near-front of it…in 321 easy steps.

Think of our friends and families in Hennepin County. Under Duffy’s plan our urban friends will get less money…but their needs run into billions of dollars!

Cheers: Minnesota GOP State Senator Jim Abeler. This insightful Anoka County Republican has served in the legislature for 27 years. He has been on the legislative front lines when economic downturns require belt-tightening. Sen.

Abeler recently spearheaded a thoughtful and, yes, necessary letter to Minnesota’s four Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives regarding Medicaid. Two other key legislative signatories included Rep. Jeff Backer of Browns Valley and Republican Sen. Paul Utke of Park Rapids. These leaders, and all other legislative signatures are from the GOP. One can hope that President Trump reads it carefully and notes that Republicans are sounding a strong, cautionary clarion call. In Minnesota, Medicaid is called Medical Assistance. In our state, Medical Assistance provides health care coverage for 1 in 6 adults ages 19-64; 3 in 10 children; 1 in 3 people with disabilities and 5 in 9 nursing home residents! Thank you, Sen. Abeler.