Republican solution to problem that doesn’t exist

From Jim Thoreen, Glenwood

So, the Minnesota Republican party offers to voters a candidate for Secretary of State who, according to the Minneapolis StarTribune (9/25/22) “…believes Minnesota should tighten its voting laws even in the absence of evidence of widespread voter fraud, saying ‘it’s just something we have to assume.’” 

Republican candidate Kim Crockett seeks to win election as our chief elections official. She assumes that some, perhaps many, of us somehow commit fraud as we cast our ballots. In the Strib article she said, however, “…it is not her job to find evidence to back her claims of a rigged election.” What? So, anyone can make claims of rigged elections and expect voters to believe it… with no proof at all? Just throw it on the wall and see if it sticks. Hey, that would be an easy way to “prove’ that the moon is made of green cheese. 

Crockett and other Republicans gin up solutions to problems which don’t exist in our election processes. They’re still seeking a re-do of the 2020 presidential election. Well, then let’s go back and make sure FDR truly was elected President four times! 

Minnesota’s incumbent Secretary of State Steve Simon, on the other hand, has served us as a leader who places security on the voting system “job no.1.” His summation of the 2020 election that it was “fair, accurate, honest and secure” tells us all we need to know that your vote counts. He states that there had been just 16 proven cases of voter misconduct among 3.3 million eligible voters since the 2020 election. Apparently, Ms. Crockett presumes that you and I are not to be trusted if we serve as an election judge. 

Let’s continue to support an election administrator who has proven that we conduct elections safely, openly to everyone who can lawfully register, and thoroughly guides the thousands of Minnesotans who volunteer to work in our polling precincts. Steve Simon has earned and deserves another term in office. 

Regardless of your choice of candidates… remember to vote! Our veterans have sacrificed their limbs and lives to keep this a democracy for everyone. 

Consider that the culture of the nation may have changed 

From Elder Peterson, Glenwood    

A recent letter writer published in the September 19 issue, stated that 45,000 firearm deaths, we were led to believe, were caused by AR rifles. Actually, if my research is correct, only 3% of the 45,000 were by AR rifles.  Most AR rifles shoot a bullet less than a quarter inch in diameter. A 12 gauge shotgun slug is around ¾ inch diameter. A 12 gauge, with number 6 or 4 shot, will tear a bigger hole in flesh than a 223. Of the 45,000 deaths, around 59% were self inflicted, which raises the question WHY? Do you think, maybe, the culture of the nation has changed to the negative? What has caused the church attendance to plummet in the last 20 or so years? Where has the discipline of children gone… downhill. The Good book says, “Spare The Rod and Spoil The Child.” It never caused a problem when my 6th grade teacher said a short prayer after the Pledge of Allegiance, the first thing every day. We survived, we got married, then lived together, even with bumps we made it work. 

Reasonable gun laws? What is the matter with reasonable penalties for bad behavior? When children have no respect for parents, teachers, or police, they turn out to be nasty adults. And for a woman to have control over her body? Why did she get in a family way to begin with? There must be several ways not to get in that condition. I think it was not beneficial for the kids to have to learn remotely, messes with their minds not to be with their friends on a daily basis. That brings us to the present Administration, printing money, stimulus? 

Hard to believe the letter writer is happy with the inflation rate and the price of fuel. 

Pulling out of Afghanistan and leaving an enemy millions of dollars in arms and ammunition, leaving the southern border wide open with numbers changing every day. I wonder if the writer ever thought, if it was not for guns, we might still be British subjects? Getting too friendly with China is not wise… I am too old to learn Chinese. Let’s pray this Administration does not get us in another war, with the lack of patriotism there is not much hope. Be careful how you vote.