Minnesota now a laughingstock…

From Jeanette Rykhus, Glenwood

In September Republican Governor candidate Scott Jensen repeated the crazy, debunked claim that some of our Minnesota schools had cat litter boxes for children to pee in! This bizarre internet hoax was given traction when outgoing Republican State Representative Tim Miller claimed it as fact at the State Capitol. Alexandria and Minnewaska districts were ones mentioned using these. I have grandsons at both the Minnewaska elementary school and high school, and I’m quite sure one of them would have mentioned this were it the case. 

As a former educator I am concerned whenever our public-school system in Minnesota is compromised, eroded, or even made a laughingstock. Candidate Jensen made clear his plan to cut public education and give the money to private schools. It is vital out here in rural Minnesota that we have not just good, but great public schools. Stories about this have made the rounds now on social media and mainstream media, making us a laughingstock because of these repeated claims. The generations that have sacrificed before us expect no less from us than to make public education the cornerstone of this wonderful state. It has been our key to success. It is one of the few things that we as taxpayers invest in that pays great dividends. 

Tim Walz and other Democratic Farmer Labor candidates oppose these extremist positions on public education funding. They certainly have the common sense to recognize a crazy internet conspiracy theory. When you vote on November 8th, keep the future of public education at the forefront, and don’t vote for Jensen, or any of the local candidates that have backed him.


Fall is upon us; I could use some help

From Terry Duhn, Long Beach

Truly, fall is upon us. The docks are coming out, the coot birds have returned to Minnewaska, and the leaves are about to be on the ground for us to pick up, but the surest sign is the beautiful flowers have died at Morning Glory Gardens. The mums and the dusty miller are still looking good, but it is time to clear the beds and I need some help. We will gather on Saturday the 22nd at 1 P.M. if you can come and help.

I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped beautify the gardens this summer. In May we gathered 20 people to plant 2,000 flowers. We began planting at 9 a.m. and we had all of them in the ground by 11:45 a.m. OUTSTANDING!

Throughout the summer there were many weed warriors that showed up during the summer before weddings which there were seven. All these groups are to be commended for their help. I also must thank Don and Pam who would clean the chapel and gazebo ahead of each. A true thank you to all of you.

If you didn’t make it to the garden, you missed the LOVE that was written in the bed behind the Gazebo. The garden survived July 4th and Waterama. It gets to be quite a crowd out here. It is truly sad though that some people can’t find a garbage bag for their cans. A young man, of course most everyone is younger than me, Scott Christianson, spent 5 days in September walking in the water and picking up over 200 cans, a battery box lid, a pipe, a tire, metal pieces and an umbrella post. If you know Scott tell him thank you and next year, remember to dispose of your garbage properly.

Last thank you is to the many people that have donated to help support the garden. If you as an individual or as part of a commercial group can help, your help is always needed to see the beauty in Morning Glory Gardens.

HELP clean the beds if you can at 1 p.m. this  Saturday, Oct. 22. For more information, call me at 320-292-1668. Thanks again.