Examine your conscience before voting

From John Messenger, Glenwood

I am writing this in the hope that moderate Republicans give some thought about what I am about to say. You know who you are: you lean a bit right of the center, and typically vote Republican. 

I am appealing to you to examine your conscience tomorrow – election day. I am appealing to you to reject the “big lie” being promulgated by Trump loyalists – not only nationally but on a state and local level as well. 

In particular, I would like to point out two statewide candidates who have embraced these gross falsehoods. 

Example number one is Secretary of State candidate Kim Crocker. She has built much of her campaign around restricting voting rights – wanting to limit voting hours, wondering if the disabled should be able to vote, and, most tellingly wondering “why anyone in their right mind would put their ballot in the mail?”  That’s an actual quote from Ms. Crocker – who also stated that Minnesota elections are “lawless” and “rigged.” Of course, this netted Crocker an endorsement from, you observed it, Donald Trump – who stated in his endorsement that “Minnesota is a state where election fraud is rampant, but where nothing is done about it”.

News flash, Donnie. In the 2020 election, out of 3.3 million votes cast, there were 17 cases of election fraud, 17. Now my calculation doesn’t have near enough digits to calculate what percentage that 17 out of 3.3 million yields, but it’s safe to say infinitesimal. What those numbers represent is a testament to the integrity of election process in our state. Crocker is obviously nothing more than a “solution” in search of a problem.

Now, on to Gubernatorial candidate Scott Jensen. Jensen rails against public education – calling it a “black hole” and advocating less rather than more money devoted to public education. Quite curious, since he graduated from Sleepy Eye High School – which evidentially was more than adequate to prepare him for the University of Minnesota and eventually M.D. Degree.

In an extremely lame G.O.P. talking point, Jensen also derides Gov. Walz for leaving the National Guard after 24 years of honorable service. Not 2 years – not 6 – not 12 – but 24 years. And I can find no mention of military service in Jensen’s biography.

Jensen also attempts to lay the blame for inflation and high gas prices at the feet of Governor Walz – yet he ignores the real causes of high gas prices: Putin’s illegal war against Ukraine, and big oil. Some data will help clarify.

In the third quarter of 2022 alone, ExxonMobil posted 19.7 billion dollars in earnings. That’s 19.7 billion dollars that you and I and the rest of the country are paying. Chevron was right behind ExxonMobil, posting third quarter earnings of 11.23 billion dollars. In fact, big oil, led by ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, BPAmoco, Lonoco Phillips, and Total Energy posted 100 billion dollars profit in the last two quarters. Great for stock buy backs, but not so great for you and I. 

Once again, I appeal for you to examine your conscience before voting tomorrow. I can’t make that decision for you – I can only try to illustrate the hypocrisy of the G.O.P.


Disagrees with ‘Stoneage Ramblings’

From Char Petersen, Starbuck

The writer of the “Stoneage Ramblings” column in the Oct. 24 issue focuses on some current problems—inflation, cost of groceries and gas—and “gets a kick” out of seeing TV ads of how “a couple of males” (candidates) say they will “fix everything” if elected.  

Apparently, he does not realize that “everything” means every area of life and that most of these problems did not exist two years ago.  So think a bit.  It’s about the numbers, not “a couple of males.”  So who has been in charge–the House, Senate and the executive office–in the past two years?  Two more years of the same and we will no longer have a country.  I think many intelligent Democrats realize this and will be voting Republican this year.


Compliments to man with political signs

From  Inga Mae B. Urke., Starbuck

Some months ago there were complaints written about the display of political signs along the road at a farm near Glenwood.  I finally stopped in to visit with the fellow responsible for all that hard work in erecting them.  I must say  that I have to compliment him and his friends who helped him for being willing to do that for a good cause and I certainly support them! 

However, right away I did tell him that I did not appreciate their using the “F word” and he was quick to tell me I wasn’t the only one feeling that way but he understood and was very polite about it.  I was very impressed with him and two of his neighbors who I also had the chance to meet later.  It was uplifting that all three of these unmarried young fellows did not hesitate to express their disgust with abortion and I have to commend them for it.  It’s quite a contrast to the 3 Democrat women candidates who continuously run their ads and go on TV demanding their rights to abortion! They need to read Matthew 5:21:  “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment.”  Like is so often said, “I feel your pain” concerning the terrible circumstances in our country at this time and these fellows obviously love their country to go to all the trouble of trying to make a difference with their signs.