Hope for new Tennis Courts!

From Cody Bosek


I’m sure some people from the community may have some questions as to where everything is at with the future of Tennis Courts since I last wrote an article in the Pope County Tribune. I am so happy to inform the community that I have founded the Glenwood Tennis Club. It has been incorporated through Minnesota as a charitable organization, and is currently under review from the IRS to gain 503(c ) Tax exempt status for charitable organizations. The ultimate goal of this organization will be to raise the funds necessary for the construction of a new Tennis Court or Courts within the City of Glenwood. The subsequent function of this organization will act as a booster program for the Tennis program, and the Tennis community helping procure equipment, educational opportunities, Tennis camps, and hopefully scholarships for higher education or Tennis camps for those in need. Once approval of the tax-exempt status has been reviewed, and granted. I will be looking for volunteers to help with fundraising efforts, organization, board members to help oversee making this dream become a reality for our community. I am only one person, and a project like this requires the help of the community. So, if you are interested in being part of something bigger. Please reach out to me. I will gladly appreciate anyone’s talents and expertise as the project progresses.

On the home front. I have met with the Glenwood Parks and Rec board. They are actively looking into some options, and assistance to construct this project. There are possibly some government grants available, as well as the USTA which may offer some assistance as well. I am grateful for their efforts in helping with this project. I have also gotten the ball rolling, and met with the Glenwood City Commission. Although this project is in its infancy. The city has approved looking into various sites to explore the possibly of building a new Tennis court. Once the Glenwood Tennis Club has finished its review process. We will begin exploring sites of interest to see if they will be viable for the construction of a new Tennis Court. Once we find a site. We will move forward with the City Commission to gain approval to build the new Tennis Court. After approval from the City Commission has been granted. We will begin a broader scale fundraising effort. This project will likely take a long time. The cost of building an entirely new Tennis Court or hopefully Courts will be substantially more expensive than repurposing older courts, and turning them into something else.

As I write this. We just started the Girls Tennis season, and we are looking strong this year. As I’ve stated in the past. We have one of the strongest Tennis programs in west central Minnesota, and this year we have 40 young ladies out for Tennis. This allows us to have a Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Junior High program. In the past when we have had this many young ladies out for Tennis, and the ability to have a Junior High program, the Glenwood City courts were utilized in addition to the High School Courts. Since the High School only has 8 courts, and between singles practice, and doubles practice. Space, access, and scheduling of the courts for kids to practice becomes a challenge, as 40 kids divided by 8 courts doesn’t work well for quality practice. So unfortunately losing the City Courts couldn’t have happened at a worse time, as the program is growing, and looking like it will continue the growing trend in the next few years. Luckily the girls, coaches, and MAHS staff are extremely resourceful, and making everything work.

This is such an amazing community. I look at all the things that have been accomplished through independent business owners, and independent groups of people fundraising locally. I am so proud of our local community for continually working together to make this community better! In my opinion, that drive, and us as a community are what makes this the best place to live in Minnesota, if not the country.

Thank you to Welcome Center for ‘Music in the Park’

From  Barb Kramber 


Summer fun has pretty much come to a close, and with that thought it’s time for a thank you expressed to the Welcome Center for the ‘Thursdays’ in the city park, and also a ‘thank you’ extended to the outstanding support to each of the sponsors – American Solution for Business, Eagle Bank, Loen Electric, Glenwood State Bank, Glacial Ridge Veterinary Clinic and Central Square/Hope Community Church!   Thursday evenings of music, family, socializing, and taking in the sites of our beautiful lake and all the action that surrounds it made for a wonderful evening in the city park. And the icing on the cake – a ‘movie in the park’ of course! I had two grandchildren visiting for the week and they and another grandson thought it was a pretty awesome way to watch a movie. Thank you again Kay Blauert at the Welcome Center and sponsors! Looking for a repeat of ‘Thursdays in the (City) Park’ in 2024!

Impressed with the newspaper

From Janet Sylvester Scott

Bloomington, Minn.

I am very impressed with the Pope County Tribune since it was coordinated with the Starbuck Times. It has many informative articles and many good columnists. I am a graduate of Starbuck High School, 1956, but Starbuck has changed since then, maybe because the farming community has changed so much since then.

I want to commend you on the article, “Workers Can’t Find Housing in Minnesota.”  I so agree that we as a community and even governing bodies need to step up and address this issue. It is a very contentious issue here in the Twin Cities area also. I think the article in your paper addresses the issue for the most part from an economic standpoint. However, when I read the morning StarTribune, I am so saddened that we in such affluent country can have so many homeless citizens. I can’t help but say that God must be shaking his head.

I always look forward to the next Issue of the Pope County Tribune!

UMM ranked first in U.S. for renewable electricity

From Joel Haskard

St. Paul, MN

Clean Energy Resource Teams Co-Director

As many know, the University of Minnesota Morris was recently ranked  #1 in the United States for producing the most renewable electricity on campus per student. As someone who works

across Minnesota helping communities harness the benefits of clean energy, I am thoroughly impressed by UMN Morris’s achievements in this area. Another achievement is the fact that Morris is one of Minnesota’s most diverse universities. Huzzah!

A UMN Morris Program called “Intercultural Sustainability Leaders” – or ISLe – is working to fuse these strengths to further serve students. With help from the organization I work for, the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs), in 2022, ISLe launched a clean energy curriculum for students. The project engaged college students from diverse backgrounds to meet with a range of clean energy professionals. They focused on learning more about energy efficiency and renewable energy in the Morris community.

I believe that innovative programs like this one “prime the pump” in helping young people see themselves in these kinds of jobs and careers. Morris can serve as a model to other towns and universities on how to utilize this booming sector in a way that plays to the needs and strengths of the local community.

Lastly, a resource to share! If your organization is looking for dollars toward your clean energy project (big or small) check out CleanEnergyResourceTeams.org. The Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) distributes seed grant money to all kinds of community organizations, all over the state, doing great clean energy work.

Advice was ignored…

From Inga Mae B. Urke,


I commend a brave Baptist pastor from Marshall,Minn. who wrote a letter to Governor Walz  signed by 20 pastors and was about their concern about the governor and elected officials supporting abortion, and repenting for actions he took during the ‘23 Legislative session.   What has happened in Minnesota now is what he signed into law.

The pastor  quoted Isaiah 5:20:  “God has also declared judgment upon those who call evil good and good evil” and he referred to the Minnesota trans refuge bill which not only promotes mutilation of bodies including minor children but subverts a fundamental right of parents to make decisions on behalf of their children.   I don’t have children but am deeply concerned about them and hope other parents will be also!  The pastors also objected to the governor’s  support of a conversion therapy ban which has been criticized.  Concerning abortion, they stated that the governor has blood on his hands and needs to repent.  This pastor felt compelled to do something after reading an article about Minnesota’s trans refuge law and potentially how that act could allow the State to take possession of children from parents who don’t agree to gender-affirming care.    He pointed out the evil that has been done and how it is in opposition to God’s will.  Three bills he recently signed into law illustrate that this is exactly what has happened in the state already!

On the national scene, we’re now again giving huge sums to Ukraine  when we are already extremely in debt, being required to  pay for  college educations, the price of groceries and gas rising.  All Democrats seem to be  concerned about is falsely accusing Donald Trump of crimes when he is guilty of none

The Bidens have been  extremely guilty of crimes and getting absolutely no punishment, like the situation was with Hilary.    It is NOT fair and when will citizens rise up in opposition to it  and do something about it?

There are now  three Democrats calling for the resignation of Clarence Thomas from the Supreme Court and they endlessly campaigned to keep abortion legal.  We are constantly accused of racism and I do not believe that is true.  I agree with a friend who stated that we now have reverse racism.  Why isn’t it considered racism that these three Muslim women are determined to impeach a Black person who has done nothing wrong?

Democrats will not admit the disaster of defunding police and allowing endless illegals in to  feed, clothe, house and provide school for nor that this president is incapable of leading our country. America is in dire need of prayer that circumstances, leaders’ minds and everything else can improve and soon or  the end result will be a total disaster.