‘Reproductive Rights’ is a twist on words…

From Char Petersen,


Do not be misled.  “Reproductive Rights” is a twist on words.  Reproductive Rights is abortion which is the murder of a child and a child is a child from the very moment of conception.  Going a bit further, I doubt that it matters to God whether conception happens in a loving or unloving manner.  Sin is sin. That is why it seems wrong that this has become such a huge political issue.  A decision on abortion should be only between the patient and doctor when a rare risk occurs.  As far as “rights” go, it is more appropriate to say a woman has a “right” and/or a “choice” before pregnancy happens.

Disappointed in low voter turnout

I was very disappointed in the small voter turn-out I saw last week in a year when there was so much at stake! Are we going to neglect to cast enough votes for people who will do something about the terrible situation at the border and the immigration of rapists, drug peddlers, and murderers who have again killed one of our beautiful young women? In the final election, are we going to be willing to vote for those who want to stop the endless slaughter of unborn babies?

It is critical that we fight to pass, enforce and defend strong voter ID laws in Minnesota, outlaw mass unsecured mail-in voting and investigate and prosecute anyone who commits voter fraud in Minnesota.

It is crucial that we elect people who are willing to pray hard for our country. How I wish you all could hear the computer message I heard today by Dr. Ben Carson stressing the importance of prayer and telling about what a faithful prayer warrior George Washington was. Our country needs prayer more than ever before with all the Chinese coming here and their intentions are NOT good! Get informed and I hope you will go and vote and encourage your friends to do so when the critical time comes! And, last but certainly not least, it is extremely urgent that we support Israel. Does this current guy do that?