Vote for Trump and ‘you won’t have to vote again…’

From Jim Thoreen


A New York Times reporter filed his report of what former President Donald Trump stated to a gathering of religious conservatives on July 26th in Florida; the reporter quoted Trump:

“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians…I’m a Christian…in four years you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

Given the depth of this… “stuff”… where does one start? Which of our country’s previous Presidents would have waded into these waters and expected to be elected/re-elected? If this statement by Trump doesn’t scare the heck out of any American, what would? Even atheists or agnostics must scratch their heads.

Donald Trump plans to be the USA dictator. He greatly admires Vladmir Putin and Victor Orbán; those two ruthlessly govern their countries. We should believe Trump when he tells us his plans, “…We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

By the way Mr. Trump, which of the gospels suggest that Jesus Christ told his followers that they “will have things fixed so good” that they need not worry anymore?

In the 1930’s many Germans thought that Adolf Hitler had the answers for his country. Once again, if Trump’s statements like these to Christians don’t frighten ever American, what will?

VFW, Legion say thank you for support during Waterama

From Gordy Wagner, VFW Commander and

Joe Majerus, American Legion Commander

The Glenwood VFW and American Legion would like to thank all who patronized our beer tent at Waterama.  Without you, we wouldn’t be able to donate our profits to worthy organizations in the community.  We appreciate the opportunity afforded us by Waterama to be able to partake in this celebration enabling us to contribute to our youth and others.  Thanks again.