Voting is how decisions are made in America

From Inga Mae B. Urke,


I feel the need to respond a August 12 letter because I simply cannot believe the writer’s claims on what Trump has said.  Whoever heard of anything so ridiculous that after 4 years we wouldn’t have to vote any more – that makes NO sense and I cannot believe that Trump would ever have said anything so ridiculous!   Voting is how decisions are made in America, not by anything Trump could say!

     What I can assure you is that Trump does NOT plan to be the USA dictator.  How riciculous!     Trump merely wants to make America great again and I have faith that he can do just that if given the opportunity.  He would put a stop to illegals with contagious diseases coming in which is getting to be a problem.   I never heard that Trump admired Orban and Putin but he got along with Putin and I think Obama would not even talk to Putin!

No statement Trump makes should ever frighten any American for he is a professing Christian, but I guarantee you that statements made by the Left should frighten every man, woman and child!  Trump does NOT want defenseless babies killed but the Left constantly wants abortion legal!!  What  people refuse to acknowledge is that the Democratic Party is nothing like it was 50 years ago!  Back then it was a crime to kill a person and one could either get the death penalty or lifetime  imprisonment and now they can kill a defenseless baby and get NO punishment!   

I am asking that some professing Christian write a Letter to Editor explaining how they can feel NO guilt about killing a defenseless baby and continiue voting for all those who want abortion to continue!   The Left keeps voting in those 3 women who hate Jews and I should not have to remind any Christian that the Jews are God’s chosen people and, if you believe scriptures,  that those who curse Israel will be cursed.       

In another newspaper, a licensed psychologist wrote a letter claiming  many believe things about Socialism that aren’t true.  Has he not talked to anyone from Venezuela lately? I strongly recommend that everyone get informed on that and will discover how dead wrong he is!

I have absolutely NO doubt in my mind that if our country goes to Socialism, it will be one total disaster.  If we let illegal aliens vote, I fear that will be the outcome and then our country is “finished”.  We cannot continue to let these hoards of people take jobs Americans should have when Americans are already saying they can’t afford to buy groceries.  They plan to take Social Security away from us which is totally unfair when we have paid into it only to have money  given to illegals for cell phones, free rent, medical care and everything else they receive free!  The price of gas and groceries keep rising outrageously all the time.

If you ignore everything else  I have stated, I hope you will at least find it in your heart to want to stop the killing of defenseless unborn babies!  That is murder.