No politics at any U.S. Veterans Cemeteries

From Villard American Legion

Chapter #175

We, members of Villard American Legion, Chapter #175, wish to stand with our fellow Veterans and Veterans’ organizations in asking, please no more political use or purpose in any and all U.S. Veterans Cemeteries. Be it Arlington, Fort Snelling or Camp Ripley, any Vet’s place of rest, no politics, please.

–Letter signed by Larry Zarbok (Commander), John Scott, Clifford Timm, Jim Seifert, Loris Weispfening, Ingrold Frisvold, Clifford Patrick, Harlan Rajdl and Dale Rajdl.

No more childish lies

From Jim Thoreen,


Juan Williams produces timely comments and observations for “The Hill,” a newspaper published in Washington, DC.  In his 9/23/24 column he writes about how racism is obvious:

“How does it make sense that 48% of registered voters in a September 15-21 poll say they have no problem putting Donald Trump back in the White House?”  And Williams continued, “Why do these people look the other way when Trump tells a bold lie about Black immigrants eating cats and dogs in a mostly White Ohio town?  Williams then asks, “How can 48% of voters back a candidate who says immigrants coming from “infested places” are “poisoning the blood of our country?”

Williams then points out that Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, says that “It is okay to ‘create’ racist lies about immigrants eating pets ‘so the American media actually pays attention.’”   

Go back to the Obama campaign when Trump told the “birther lie” that President Obama had not been born in the U.S.

We need childish lies in a campaign for President of this country about as much as Florida needs snow tires. We need “truth-less” candidates for the highest offices in this nation about as much as a desert needs more sand.

Do many, maybe even most, politicians “stretch the truth”?  Yes.  But for a Presidential candidate to consistently spread vicious, hurtful, stupidly ignorant lies about his/her opponent damages democracy, not just this campaign.  Our nation heads toward an election which will, if Trump prevails, result in the beginning of the end for this “Grand Experiment.”  The former President has made it clear.  Those who have criticized him or voted to impeach him will be held to account in manners which will be anything but normal governance.  And now given the latitude brought about by a Supreme Court’s decision, which Trump sees as a green light to do anything he wants, how can other branches of the Federal Government stop his plans?

Please vote, either at your precinct or by mail.  But Vote.  This nation has never been as tested as we are this year.