Can God use Donald Trump? Absolutely!

From Karen Tharaldson,


There were many points made in the opinion piece of the publisher of this paper last week that I could respond to, and I hope that others will respond to some of them.  I will write fact, not opinion.

God used Abraham even though he became impatient and jumped ahead of God’s plan. God used Noah even though he knew that Noah would celebrate being back on dry land by getting into a drunken, naked stupor. God used Moses even though he was a murderer. God used King David even though he had the husband of the woman he lusted after, to the point of adultery, killed. God used King Nebuchadnezzar even though he was a pagan who worshiped false gods. God used Rahab even though she was a prostitute. God used Saul (Paul) to carry the Gospel (Good News) to those who needed to hear. God used Judas knowing he would betray his son, Jesus. The list goes on and on. God’s Word, and world history, is full of examples of sinful, broken people that God used for his purposes. God had a plan from the beginning and all he had to work with was sinful, broken people.

Can God use Donald Trump? Absolutely!  He has no one but sinful, broken people to work with – even today!  Bible believing Christians know this…or they should. Perhaps this can be a reminder to those who have forgotten, and a change of thinking for those who did not know. As for the Publisher’s judgment of President Trump by saying he “…is likely the least religious of any of the recent past presidents”, this is my reminder – Jesus wasn’t religious, but he did condemn the Pharisees for being so. Jesus was a believer. Maybe those the Publisher referred to as “those who espouse Christian Nationalism” are really just believers…like Jesus.

How Christian is Walz, Biden or Harris?

From Timothy Fiala,


How Christian is Tim Walz after all he was part of the 250 million dollar fraud stealing money from starving kids. That’s not very Christian.  How about Walz calling people in rural Minnesota (ROCKS &COWS) that’s not very Christian.  How about Walz wanting to allow abortion. That’s not very Christian. How about Walz allowing Minneapolis to burn and do nothing about. That’s not very Christian.

Biden is likely the most UN-Religious person you’ll ever meet as you would find him on a beach and rarely if ever in a Church.

You might find him near a shower.

And Harris, how Christian is she having an affair with a married man.  No more needs to be said.  I’m almost 100% positive that’s not Christian. And I’m almost positive the publisher of the PCT isn’t a Christian either.

Supporters worship Trump to rationalize politics

From Nancy Barsness,


Thank you so much for your editorial last week that questioned Trump’s Christianity. For the many examples you gave, it’s hard to understand how any true Christian could vote for Trump. Yet each week, we find even more reasons to reject him.

According to newly released Court documents, many top Trump aides, including Vice President Pence will testify that they told Trump that there was no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election (that he lost). He was warned that if he continued to claim otherwise, there could be violence. Yet, Trump and his cohorts promoted the coup that resulted in the January 6th riot. Another witness will testify that when Trump was told that Vice President Pence had to be rushed from the Capital for his safety, Trump said, “So what?” If he can turn on his own selected partner, how can anyone trust him?

His insensitivity toward immigrants (even legal Haitian immigrants) is also sinful according to Leviticus 19:33-34. We all sin, but Trump once said he didn’t have to repent his sins because he didn’t have any. If you listen to him carefully, he believes he’s Jesus.

At first, this Christian support for Trump made me question my own faith, but I now realize that many of these supporters worship Trump to rationalize their politics.  That too, is sinful.

Typically doesn’t respond to ‘opinions’ that are ‘intellectually mute’

From Randall Sander,


Typically, I would not respond to articles I find intellectually mute. However, for some reason I feel this one needs a response. Every Christian knows God uses imperfect people. The argument that he could not use Trump is not even worth debating and anyone who tries is showing his or her full lack of biblical teachings.

Second, without stopping to analyze what he is referencing the publisher uses the phrase ‘Christian Nationalist’. A recently minted slander that is now making the rounds. While at first glance, it sounds ominous with an intentional reference to a certain World War 2 regime. Making even the godliest citizen run for the hills. Any brief pause and the author would have realized it is a reference those of us that proudly believe in God, country and family. Ironically, by using this obvious anti-Christian propaganda to attack Trump for being a Christian, the publisher makes themselves look like a propaganda sponge absorbing and then without thought pouring back out the mind virus that is today’s press.