
  • Understanding Prejudice

    Published on January 30, 2023 at 11:59am CST

    View From a Prairie Home by Hege Hernfindahl, Columnist Friday the 27th of January was International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The day was instituted in 2005 by the United Nations General Assembly to remember the 6 million Jews, two-thirds of the European Jewish population. that were killed by the Nazi Regime under the twisted leadership of Adolf Hitler…. Read More

  • National debt has been with us a long time

    Published on January 23, 2023 at 2:02pm CST

    Publisher’s Perspective By Tim Douglass, Publisher of the Pope County Tribune National debt has again become an issue at the federal level.  Congress has to raise the debt limit or default on what we owe as a country.  Failure to agree on a higher limit would likely have big economic implications for ordinary Americans, the U.S…. Read More

  • Sometimes we have preconceived ideas of state problems and solutions

    Published on January 23, 2023 at 1:59pm CST

    Stoneage Ramblings By John R. Stone With Democrats in charge of the Minnesota Legislature and governorship we’re seeing a rollout of their wish list in terms of social programs. Free school lunches, rental assistance, paid maternity and extended sick leave have been brought to the forefront so far and there will be more to come. Republicans… Read More

  • Letters to the Editor

    Published on January 23, 2023 at 1:58pm CST

    Reacts to letter to the editor… From Jim Thoreen,  Glenwood After reading Steve Nestor’s letter to the editor last week, I asked my wife to read it in order to get her reaction.  She said it was boring.  I agree. Farmers not getting a fair share Submitted by Joyce Blair Anderson Starbuck The National Farmers… Read More

  • To prune or not to prune

    Published on January 23, 2023 at 1:54pm CST

    Growing Green By Robin Trott, Extension Educator Is it time to prune? How should I prune? What should I prune?  So many questions surround the task of landscape pruning.  For many trees and shrubs late winter and early spring is the perfect time to prune them, but this isn’t the time for all species. Pruning at the… Read More

  • Land and Life

    Published on January 23, 2023 at 1:53pm CST

    View From The Cab By David Tollefson, Columnist Land and Life. That’s the name of the new issue of the Minnesota Farm Bureau’s magazine. The new magazine also celebrates the 104th anniversary of the organization. Minnesota’s first County Farm Bureau was formed in 1913 in Traverse County. By 1917 there were over a dozen County Farm Bureaus… Read More

  • Kids love having fun!

    Published on January 23, 2023 at 1:46pm CST

    From Where I Sit By Pat Spilseth, Columnist Today’s drippy, gray weather is nothing like the winter weather I experienced back in 1962 when stiff winds, blowing snow and sustained sub-zero temperatures crippled my hometown of Glenwood for several days at a time. I hoped for snow days from school when buses couldn’t run and Mom let… Read More

  • Anxiety and Comfort

    Published on January 23, 2023 at 1:40pm CST

    View From a Prairie Home by Hege Hernfindahl, Columnist Sometimes I find my broken heart beating faster and sweat clinging to my brow. I am anxious. Something else is going to happen to a member of our family; cancer again or heart attack again or something else. Three is the number, right? Which one and how and… Read More

  • LGA increases should happen this legislative session

    Published on January 16, 2023 at 2:08pm CST

    Publisher’s Perspective By Tim Douglass, Publisher of the Pope County Tribune Readers have heard about Local Government Aid (LGA) a few times in this newspaper so excuse the repetition because it is important. Local Government Aid (LGA) is the lifeblood of Greater Minnesota cities. It reduces inequities between communities, restrains property taxes, and ensures that all… Read More

  • If Glenwood was recategorized from rural to metro…Why?

    Published on January 16, 2023 at 2:06pm CST

    Stoneage Ramblings By John R. Stone You may have noticed an interesting item in the StarTribune on Sunday, January 8. A story about the 2020 Census ran under the headline “Updated census categories baffle come communities.” The story was based on a new document from the Census Bureau issued December 28, 2022. The story is that… Read More

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