
  • Don’t go with the crowd

    Published on October 17, 2022 at 1:13pm CDT

    The Outdoors By Scott Rall, Outdoors Columnist Opening day of 2022 pheasant hunting season was October 15. I hosted the Minnesota Governor in Worthington that weekend. It was quite an event. There were media outlets of all kinds in town for the event. Many of those hunted on the public lands of southwest Minnesota.  Finding a… Read More

  • Putting fall to bed

    Published on October 17, 2022 at 1:12pm CDT

    From Where I Sit By Pat Spilseth, Columnist Last week I reluctantly gave in. I turned on the furnace to warm the house and me. I was freezing, chilled by dampness and cold. Usually I wait until November, if I can stand the low temps, but this year the dampness was too much for this hardy Minnesotan…. Read More

  • Affordable childcare is an issue that needs serious discussion

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:59am CDT

    Publisher’s Perspective By Tim Douglass, Publisher of the Pope County Tribune Affordable childcare in this area and throughout the state, even the nation, is a top concern for many. Early childhood education is in the news a lot, largely because of the huge challenges in childcare due to the pandemic. The headlines from across the country… Read More

  • National Museum of Military Vehicles was a unique discovery, worth the stop

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:54am CDT

    Stoneage Ramblings By John R. Stone There can be some interesting experiences on the road and we had a few on a recent trip to visit relatives in Wyoming. We spent a couple of nights in Rapid City on the way out just to poke around there, which we haven’t done in many years. On the… Read More

  • Letter to the Editor

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:53am CDT

    Local Radiothon helps end child abuse From Denise Dougherty, Chair of the Pope County HELP Council Radiothon to End Child Abuse The Members of the Pope County HELP Council would like to cordially invite you to participate in the second Annual Pope County HELP Council Radiothon to End Child Abuse, which will be held Thursday,… Read More

  • Mental illnesses, discrimination and support in Minnesota

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:53am CDT

    Guest Opinion By Sue Abderholden, Executive Director of NAMI Minnesota Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) in October is a time to raise awareness of mental illnesses, fight discrimination and provide support to people whose lives have been impacted. This year it takes on significant importance because so many people are experiencing poor mental health due to… Read More

  • Becoming

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:52am CDT

    View from a Prairie Home By Hege Herfindahl, Columnist Some days, my heart still aches for my native land; the fiords, the gentle sloping hills and above all, the mountains. The mountains that rise majestically over the landscape. Dramatic and beautiful. Most have deep fissures probably caused by ions of changing climate from warm to icy cold…. Read More

  • Chips — and more

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:51am CDT

    Views from the Cab By David Tollefson, Columnist Years ago, there was a popular TV show named CHIPS. According to Wikipedia, the moniker stood for “California Highway Patrol,” and involved two highway patrolmen on motorcycles. The show ran for six years and 139 episodes, from 1977 to 1983. I remember enjoying it at the time. Fast forward… Read More

  • Box elder bug boom!

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:51am CDT

    Growing Green By Robin Rott, Extension Educator As the season cools, box elder bugs begin to gather on warm spaces outside and inside our houses. I invariably receive many calls on how and when to control them. I am fortunate to have many knowledgeable colleagues in Extension.  This is what Marissa Schuh, Integrated Pest Management Educator,… Read More

  • October upcoming events

    Published on October 10, 2022 at 11:50am CDT

    Senior News By Diane Kittelson, Pope County Senior Services Consultant/Coordinator Hello, seniors. The Pope County TRIAD is inviting senior citizens to join us for Coffee with a Cop. Triad is a partnership of three organizations; Law Enforcement, Senior Citizens and Community Groups. It has benefits for both seniors and law enforcement. Law Enforcement assists seniors by… Read More

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