
  • ATVs, golf carts on city streets?

    Published on August 22, 2022 at 12:32pm CDT

    Publisher’s Perspective By Tim Douglass, Publisher of the Pope County Tribune The City of Glenwood, like Starbuck, could soon allow ATVs and golf carts on city streets. The Glenwood City Commission is considering a new ordinance for both ATVs and golf carts and will conduct an informational meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 31 at City Hall. The… Read More

  • Alaska is an amazing place

    Published on August 22, 2022 at 12:27pm CDT

    Stoneage Ramblings By John R. Stone Alaska is huge, like really, really big. Most of us know that Alaska is this nation’s largest state in terms of area. It is more than twice as big as Texas, more than twice as big as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota and South Dakota put together and over seven… Read More

  • Letters to the Editor

    Published on August 22, 2022 at 12:27pm CDT

    Medical intervention ‘always comes down to risk versus benefit’ From Ginger Beck, Glenwood With advertisements in local papers informing the public that children 6 months and older are now eligible to get a covid shot, it should be recognized that the perspectives of scientific and medical experts differ greatly on this subject. There is no… Read More

  • Climate, health care package becomes law

    Published on August 22, 2022 at 12:26pm CDT

    Views from the Cab By David Tollefson, Columnist That’s the headline at DTN/The Progressive Farmer Online Tuesday August 16, 2022. A sub-title is “Corn Growers, Others Praise Ag Investments as Biden Signs Inflation Reduction Act.” Here are some details, in part, written by Chris Clayton of DTN: President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed into law the Inflation… Read More

  • Using your garden’s bounty safely this fall

    Published on August 22, 2022 at 12:25pm CDT

    Growing Green By Robin Trott, Extension Educator Increasingly, food borne illness outbreaks are being traced to lettuce, tomatoes, cantaloupe and other raw fruits and vegetables. Microorganisms are a natural part of the environment and most are beneficial or neutral for human and plant health. But pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites found in the feces of humans… Read More

  • Make time for friends

    Published on August 22, 2022 at 12:24pm CDT

    From Where I Sit By Pat Spilseth, Columnist “It takes a long time to make old friends.” At a dinner party with college friends this past week, I realized even more strongly how much I enjoy being with friends from my college days at Luther. We share the same values; we remember the same college pranks and… Read More

  • Tactics designed to erode…destroy

    Published on August 8, 2022 at 12:25pm CDT

    Publisher’s Perspective By Tim Douglass, Publisher of the Pope County Tribune Disinformation is real.  And it is more dangerous than ever. It’s a form of fraud and its prevalent in our society these days.   Disinformation and hoaxes that are the real “fake news” are accelerating and affecting the way individuals interpret a lot of things,… Read More

  • Business hiccups during the pandemic

    Published on August 8, 2022 at 12:19pm CDT

    Stoneage Ramblings By John R. Stone When the pandemic appeared to hit in the spring of 2020 auto manufacturers had to deal with a difficult question. Would the pandemic, and possible lockdowns, kill auto sales? For how long? Their guess was that there could be a prolonged drop in sales so they should cut back on… Read More

  • Letters to the Editor

    Published on August 8, 2022 at 12:18pm CDT

    Help needed for local cemetery From Gordy and Bonnie Stock and Karen and John Kirckof Just south of Glenwood on Memorial Drive are three beautiful cemeteries – Calvary Cemetery on the south side of the road,  Glenwood Lutheran Cemetery on the north side of the road, and Glenwood “City” Cemetery on both sides of the road. Calvary… Read More

  • This Old House

    Published on August 8, 2022 at 12:16pm CDT

    View from a Prairie Home By Hege Herfindahl, Columnist As I wake up, my heart plummets all the way to my feet. Because I remember. Sleep was a drug that kept me from reality, so sometimes it is the waking up that is the worst time of the day. That and hearing the day’s news. My child’s… Read More

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