Save the Date -Let’s Get Growing returns to Alexandria!
Published on February 26, 2024 at 11:56am CST
Growing Green
By Robin Trott, Extension Educator
Join Douglas County Master Gardeners for the revamped Let’s Get Growing event! Experience the new half-day format on Saturday, April 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Discovery Middle School (510 McKay Ave N, Alexandria). Meet specialists, explore educational displays by University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners, and browse vendor booths. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert gardener, there’s something for everyone. Attend three sessions to stay updated on the latest trends and techniques in gardening.
The Foodscape: Celebrating the Beauty of Food by Julie Weisenhorn, Extension Educator, University of Minnesota
Foodscaping aims to demonstrate edible plants are not only consumable, but also aesthetically pleasing, and provide a way to increase food security, availability, and accessibility. Designed and installed by Extension horticulture educator Julie Weisenhorn at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the Foodscape is a landscape that celebrates the beauty of food and showcases diverse plants and growing techniques, as well as sustainable landscape techniques that gardeners of all kinds can use to incorporate food plants into their own yards and gardens.
Building Soil Health by Joe Storlien, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, St. Benedict and St. John’s University
Soils serve as the foundation in our gardens and landscapes. Building soil health should be a goal of many gardeners. Improved garden yields, healthy plants, and creating resilient ecosystems are some of the many benefits of a healthy soil environment. We will explore the various management practices gardeners can perform each year to boost the health of the soils in their backyard.
A-Z of Vegetables, Herbs and Fruits by Courtney Tchida, MN SEED Project, Executive Director
This presentation will cover arugula to zucchini of vegetables, herbs, and fruits you can grow in Minnesota. Using a cold climate, permaculture context, we will talk about both the easiest and the hardest crops to grow with tips for every crop along the way. We will also touch on pest and weed control strategies for the beginning grower. This class will help get you started in planning for spring.
Explore a variety of educational topics at our booths, including backyard bird feeding, growing sweet potatoes, soil blocks for seed starting, protected growing, children’s gardening books and an opportunity to ask a master gardener. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., with refreshments and displays available until 8:30 a.m. Admission is $20 per person (cash or check only) at the door, payable to Regents of the University of Minnesota. For questions or brochure requests, please contact the Douglas County Extension office at 320-762-3890 or email We look forward to seeing you there!
Save the Date: Join Robin Trott and local growers for the Blooms and Beyond Flower Farmer Stories webinar series Wednesdays, March 20-April 24. (FKA Blooms and beyond flower farmer forum). For more information and to register visit:
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“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” ~Alfred Austin