From Where I Sit

By Pat Spilseth

“Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air,”  wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Summertime is almost over. Don’t let this magical time of year escape without adding another adventure to your life. Remember those fabulous feelings you experienced in past summertimes, especially during those teenage years?

Who doesn’t remember that idyllic time of year when temperatures were balmy; the water was cool and refreshing? You looked so good and felt fabulous. Your friends were always ready for a new adventure. Ohhh those memories…didn’t those teenage years filled with traumatic ups and downs go by too quickly?

Remember the exhilaration of diving off the high dive, hitting the water razor clean and your body tingled with chills and thrills? Did you try skinny dipping on a dark night? Did you cruise along in  a convertible, your long hair flying free in the sweet summer breeze? Life was soooo good!

Who didn’t love to ski behind a racing speedboat, leaning back to enjoy the spray of the waves as the Glastron cut through the waves? What freedom!

And remember those furtive kisses you enjoyed on a park bench under the full moon. What a bit of blushing embarrassment, I still remember cuddling next to the boy I had a mad crush on all year long. Life was perfect that moment; however, the next day I waited endlessly, hopelessly, by the telephone for a call he ever made. Summer romances…so thrilling; so disappointing…

Who can remember and never forget those teen hops at Lakeside Ballroom? Knotty pine walls pulsated with the intoxicating beat of music by the Everly Brothers or Bobby Vee. A glittering spinning silver ball in the ceiling cast diamond sparkles on the highly polished wooden floor as we twirled and dipped. The windows were open for a cooling breeze and a full moon. We danced wildly, sweat dripping, to the bunny hop, the twist, the mashed potato, and our heads rocked back and forth as we strutted to the pulsating music of the stroll.

But everybody’s favorite dance was the slow, romantic, close dance. It was a new sensation to be close to a boy who slid his arms around you as we slowly slid our ballet slippers around the dance floor. Lights were low; the music drummed in my head…every lovesick teenager knew summer was sure to bring romance.

And who can ever forget that first kiss? It was nothing like I’d dreamed about. I’d waited so long for it to happen, but when my date with the sweaty palms awkwardly held me and gave me a wet good night kiss, it was really uncomfortable. I pushed him aside and ran into the house, up to the bathroom to wash out my mouth. It didn’t taste good. I’d read stories about kissing, but was this it? What’s the  big deal? 

Ah…summertime, there’s no better time to be young and full of dreams.

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