Publisher’s Perspective

By Tim Douglass, Publisher of the Pope County Tribune

Last week we mentioned that it probably wouldn’t take long before a few ice anglers were on Lake Minnewaska going for that early ice-season bite.

The lake was completely frozen over by Tuesday, but it most anglers stayed off the ice at least until Wednesday.  Yep, on Wednesday at least one brave soul walked out to a spot in front of Lakeside Ballroom.  Tribune Columnist and now Pope County Commissioner Paul Gremmels sent me a photo proving that some one had ventured out onto the ice, drilled a couple of holes and was fishing on Wednesday afternoon.

His photo accompanies this column.

There were a few more out there in the same general location on Sunday afternoon.  The ice must have been thick enough for walking and pulling a sled with minimal equipment even though the temperatures were in the 40s and even the 50s over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. 

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There was some analysis from the St. Paul Pioneer Press recently that shed some light on how Gov. Tim Walz was reelected.  “Minnesota swing voters appear to have overwhelmingly favored Democratic Gov. Tim Walz over his Republican rival Scott Jensen in the Nov. 8 election.”  The  Pioneer Press analysis of voting data from more than 4,100 precincts across the state found Walz voters were roughly eight times more likely than Jensen voters to pick a member of a different political party for the state Legislature. “It suggests that independents went to Walz,” said David Schultz, a political science professor at Hamline University, who noted the party in power almost always struggles to win a majority of independent voters. 

“… There were 343 Minnesota voting precincts that Walz won where Republicans got the majority of the vote in either state House or Senate races. In about one-third of those — 110 precincts — voters backed Republican legislative candidates for both chambers while supporting Walz for re-election. Jensen’s supporters voted almost entirely along party lines.”