Pope County residents were greeted with winter-like weather last week.  Temperatures dropped, we received some snow that actually stayed on the ground, and most of the area sloughs and shallow lakes donned an ice covering that will likely be there for the winter months.

Lake Minnewaska was ice-covered on the Glenwood side over the weekend, but there was plenty of open water on the Starbuck side of the lake.

Waterfowl is continuing to use the lake because of the open water.

Things are supposed to warm up a bit this week and the entire region should see warmer temperatures in the 30s and maybe 40s through Thanksgiving.  That means much of  Lake Minnewaska will remain open, at least through the end of the month.  Come December, we expect it to freeze over.  Waterfowl hunting then gives way to ice fishing and  it doesn’t take much ice to get ice anglers excited about getting out there and catching some “early ice” walleyes or panfish.


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Jeff Bertram, a friend I knew well while I was living and working in Paynesville, was just elected to the District 3 Commissioner Seat in Stearns County. 

Bertram won the seat with a 67%, a 5,000-vote margin in the 33,000 population/35 mile by 35 mile District.   

Bertram has been involved with various government positions, including serving in the Minnesota Legislature.  He is better known in this area as an Administrative Sales Manager for West Central Sanitation,  the refuse firm hired by Glenwood and other cities in this area to haul garbage.  He will continue in that role, he said in an email last week.  

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Another  friend of mine gave me the following item.

“One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut.  After the cut he asked about his bill and barber replied; “I cannot accept money from you.  I’m doing community service this week.” The florist was pleased and left the shop.

When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a Thank You card and dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a police officer came in for a haircut and when he tried to pay his bill the barber again replied: “I cannot accept money from you.  I’m doing community service this week.”

The officer was happy and left the shop.

The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a Thank You card and a dozen doughnuts waiting for him at his door.

Then a member of Congress came in for a haircut.  When he went to pay his bill the barber again replied; “I cannot accept money from you.  I’m doing community service this week.”  The congressman was very happy and left the shop.

The next morning when the barber went  to open up, there were a dozen members of Congress lined up waiting for a free haircut.”


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We wish all a very Happy Thanksgiving.  It is a time to count our blessings and we hope all are able to do that with family and friends.