What’s on the Horizon for Public Health

by Maggie Johnson, Health Educator Horizon Public Health

During the month often associated with pumpkin drinks, and sweet treats, it’s also worth noting that October is designated as Dental Hygiene Month. Did you know that tooth decay is the second most common disease in the United States? It’s never too late to start taking better care of your oral health.

As we embrace the joys of the season, including our favorite autumnal treats (mine happens to be apple crisp), let’s not overlook the care and attention our smiles deserve. Good dental hygiene is key to our overall health. It all starts with the basics, brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes. Don’t forget to check your toothpaste to ensure it contains fluoride, a key ingredient in strengthening your teeth against decay. Flossing often gets overlooked, but is a crucial step in preventing cavities and gum disease.

What you eat greatly impacts your oral health. While its okay to indulge in Halloween candy in moderation, don’t forget to balance out your favorite sweet treats with plenty of fruits, vegetables and water to support your dental health. Limit sugary beverages as these weaken tooth enamel and encourage the growth of bacteria. Water plays many benefits to our oral health. It helps to rinse away food particles, acids and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and bad breath.

It’s also important to be mindful of our daily habits when it comes to our oral health. Tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, chewing on hard items and using our teeth to open things can lead to damage. By being mindful of these habits and making positive changes, you can significantly contribute to protecting your teeth.

While there are many things we can do at home to protect our smile, it’s important not to forget about seeing a dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings. These appointments are vital in catching and addressing any issues early. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen your dentist, give them a call. Your smile is important, let’s take every step to protect it.