From May 12, 1922 

Miss Laura Forde, talented pupil of Mme. Bailey-Apfolbeck, was presented in a piano recital on Wednesday, April 26, in the Studio Recital Hall in Minneapolis. She played selections by Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Weber and Rachmaninov.

High School notes: The class record for the month of April had been posted. The seniors were at the head with over 56% of their marks above 90%. Those on the honor roll were: Verna Erickson, Nellie Kleven, Harriet Kirkwold and Helen Kyvig. The pupils having perfect attendance for the year were: Signe Bardahl, Cora Brenden, Verna Erickson, Adolph Olson, Thelma Sando and Clifford Schultz. Those who had missed only one day were: Agnes Brenden, Helen Kyvig and Ruth Lee.


From May 12, 1932 

Oscar Hippe bought the grocery store from Ole Troy which he started April 22 under the name “Troy’s Rite-Way Food Store,” in the old Brevig building which was remodeled this spring. Mr. Hippe came to Starbuck in 1918 and had been engaged in clerking in stores or in business for himself.

Mons Stolaas of Nora and Jacob Bjokne of Reno filed this week as candidates for the office of county commissioners from the 5th district.

“Speeding Along,” the senior class play, was presented at the auditorium. The following took part: Cora Pederson, Frances Erickson, Arthur Nordberg, Ralph Swenson, Olive Runquist, Hazel Aronson, Kermit Wollan, Howard Jorgenson, Franklin Noyes, Ernest Gorder. Between acts music consisting of the following young people: Elsa Arneson, Arnold Opdahl, Ovid Smedstad, Tilmer Engebretson, Tim. Torgerson, Alfred Aaberg and Conrad Pederson.


From May 14, 1942 

Forty-six members of the Starbuck School Band left for Aberdeen, South Dakota to compete in the National Music Contest.

Jimmie Ross, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ross, was getting along nicely at the hospital from injuries received when run over by a car.

1,065 people registered for sugar rationing. Of this number, 989 received books. 14% did not receive books.

The following were graduated from Starbuck High School May 28: Agnes O. Aaberg, Roy H. Berens, Ruth D. Boening, DeLois Ann Dahlin, Delores Ann Edmunds, Elsie Roselyn Evenson, Norris B. Evjen, Evelyn Charlotte Grenson, Ralston G. Gunvalson, Doris Ann Hagen, Harold J. Hagen, Harriet Helen Hanson, Valborg Johson, Carolyn N.L. Kjera, Orlette Genevieve Lageson, Marie Caroline Lingen, Jean Phillis Lund, Mary Jane Lynch, Irene Patricia Maanum, Luther C. Nelson, Ruby C. Newberry, Herbert A. Nordstrom, Dorothy Lorraine Samuelson, G. Clifford Shippey, Eleanore Deloris Sylvester, Ione E. Sylvester, Richard A. Hagen, Maynard O. Vinge  and Harlan N. Wold.


From May 8, 1952

Paul Gorder was building a new home on the lot he recently purchased from M.P. Eidberg.


From May 10, 1962

A number of Starbuck musicians would join the U.M.M. choral and orchestral groups in the final concert of the season. Seniors participating: Lyle Knutson, Alice Kyvig, Kathryn and Karolyn Lee, Linda Knutson, Roger Larson, Steve Smedstad, Rollo Pederson, Ruth Heggestad and Ruth Tollefson. Mrs. Arnold Opdahl, Patty Dullum and Ronnie Carlson would play in the orchestra.

At their regular meeting the Lion’s Club elected Ted Samuelson to be their president for 1962-63. Other officers were: Warren Olson, 1st vice president; Don Espenson, 2nd vice president; Marvin Nelson, 3rd vice president; Earl Rundgren, secretary; Russell Peterson, treasurer; William Smedstad, lion tamer; John Heemstra, tail twister; Albert Jackson and Claremont Dahlseng, director for one year; Dr. James Hiebert and Adolph Carlson, directors for two years.

The SHS seniors had chosen Lake Darling Dude Ranch near Alexandria for the site of their skip-day activities.

The U.M.M. Men’s Chorus would sing at the Seattle World’s Fair on Minnesota Day, June 12. Steffen Sanvik of Starbuck was a member of this group.


From May 11, 1972

Tom Millerbernd of Starbuck High School had earned the right to participate in the state physical fitness meet in the Twin Cities on May 13.

Thomas Olson, president of the First National Bank, Starbuck, and A.H. Stellner, president, State Bank of Cyrus, were members of a delegation of 70 Minnesota bankers who were in Washington, D.C. last week.


From May 19, 1982

Inga Lorvig of Starbuck and Joe Gandrud of Glenwood were named Pope County’s Outstanding Senior Woman and Man for 1982.

Brenda Sayre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sayre of Cyrus was chosen to represent her school at the 36th annual Girls State session in June. Jeanne Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hansen was named alternate. Selected to attend Boys State from Cyrus were Chris Onstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Onstad, while alternate was Tim Kraemer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Othmar Kraemer.

Bob Hagert and Debra Frank were selected as the newly crowned royalty for the Starbuck High School Spring Dance.

Ida Hagen and Alfred Aslakson were crowned king and queen at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home Friday during National Nursing Home Week.


From May 13, 1992

Ann Rotto, daughter of Lillian Knutson and the late Fred Knutson, was selected by the Fergus Fall Community College faculty as the 1992 “Educator of the Year.”

Area students graduating from Moorhead State College May 22 were Kurt Amundson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Amundson of Starbuck, Philip Johnsrud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnsrud of Starbuck and Dawn Hyatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt of Cyrus.

Alice Sylvester was crowned queen and Ole Ophaug, king, at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home recently during National Homes for the Aging Week. Other candidates were Pearl Larson, Lyle Husby, Ruth Kugler, Alice Westdal, Art Finstad, Ivlin Sylter and Art Larson.


From May 8, 2002

The old hospital building in downtown Starbuck had plenty of potential and no structural damage, according to preservation experts who convened a reuse planning session on the building. Over 25 people participated in a public meeting to discuss restoring the old hospital building.

Phillip Johnson, president of the Glacial Ridge Trail Association; Larry Kittelson, Pope County commissioner; Dal Ogdahl, Terrace Sportsman’s Club and Walt Larson, Glads Ness Brang Foundation coordinator, were all pictured in the Times with one of the new signs that will be installed along the Glacial Ridge Trail this season.


From May 16, 2012

Jim Palmer, editor/publisher of the Senior Perspective newspaper, brought his business from Glenwood to Starbuck in early April. He purchased the building where the Starbuck Times resided. “The business has been really growing and I needed to provide a spot where the paper could grow,” said Palmer.

After turning 89-years-old, Starbuck resident Vern Fetterer decided to retire from cutting rocks. He gave away his rock cutting equipment to a good friend in Villard. Over the years, Fettereer had donated his work to different places. One of his favorite memories was receiving a volcanic rock from Antarctica.