The Pope County Board of Commissioners appointed Gordy Wagner as board chairperson at their meeting last week. Paul Gerde was named vice chair. The first meeting of the Pope County Board of Commissioners for 2023 was held last week and included two new board members. Incoming commissioners Paul Gremmels and Paul Wildman claimed their seats in the newly remodeled board meeting room. From left: Kersten Kappmeyer, County Administrator; Larry Lindor, District 4 commissioner; Paul Gremmels, District 1 commissioner; Gordy Wagner, District 2 commissioner; Paul Wildman, District 5 commissioner; Paul Gerde, District 3 commissioner; and Neil Nelson, County Attorney.

Paul Gremmels, Paul Wildman begin terms as newly elected commissioners

By Melanie Stegner

Pope County Commissioner Gordy Wagner was nominated as board chair at last week’s reorganizational meeting. Commissioner Paul Gerde was nominated vice chair. The pair will serve these appointments for the year. 

Incoming commissioners Paul Gremmels and Paul Wildman were thanked for taking an interest in Pope County and joining the board to help move the county forward. Each of them thanked residents for their votes. “I hope to help progress the county forward and I want everyone to know I’m excited to work with them,” said Wildman.

“Wildman brought up a good point. Our five commissioners have roots that go back to the very beginning. We have a good group,” said Commissioner Gerde.

Board members were given their committee assignments for the year. Some of the main appointments were the addition of Commissioner Gremmels to the HRA/EDA board and Commissioner Wildman to the Land Use Ordinance and Extension committees.

The At Large Representative to the Pope County Extension Committee was tabled for discussion at an upcoming meeting. Russ Barkeim was appointed as the District 1 Representative to the Planning Advisory Commission and Board of Adjustment.

County Engineer Brian Giese presented the Highway Department’s monthly report. “We’re looking for people to fill two highway maintenance worker vacancies. The post closes on the sixth, so we’re hoping to fill them soon,” he stated. “Snow and ice control are the focus for now. Being short a couple of operators adds some challenges, but we have plans in place to help perform the work.”

“The next couple of months are critical for the timely development of our plans and specifications for the upcoming season’s road improvement projects. We typically open bids for planned construction work in March or April,” Giese mentioned. Planned construction projects are on CSAH 22 from TH 29 to CSAH 29, CSAH 29 from CSAH 22 to TH28 and CSAH 15 from CSAH 28 to North County Line. “Reconstruction of CSAH 17 from Canal Cove to Pezhekee Road is on pause pending the MERA litigation,” he added.

A public hearing date and time were approved for February 21 for the board and the public to consider the five-year road improvement program. A pre-purchase of Base One construction materials was approved to allow for the purchase of the product at a discounted rate. “For every five totes purchased, they provide one free tote. I’d like permission to order eight totes for the 2023 season at a savings of $7081.25,” Giese commented.

The Pope County Tribune was designated as the official newspaper for Pope County. “This is the official mode of publication of meeting notices, minutes and other publications required by law,” stated County Administrator Kappmeyer.

The official depositories for the Pope County Funds were designated. “We currently use Pope County banks and the magic fund and would like to continue to do so,” state County Auditor/Treasurer Stephanie Rust. The board approved for Rust to make electronic funds transfers on behalf of the county as well.

Following the approval of the bills, the meeting went into closed session to discuss a purchase offer for the Zuber Law Office and Tom Buysse buildings in downtown Glenwood. Both are connected to the Fremad building.  At the meeting of the HRA/EDA the following day, the board authorized Quinlivan and Hughes to draft the purchase agreements as part of the Fremad Building. Formal agreements will be available later in January with more information to follow.

The board also discussed the litigation regarding the State ex rel. Peters Sunset Beach, Inc., et al. vs. County of Pope, case number 61-CV-22-310.