New filling station contract awarded to Larson Bros.

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, April 26, 1923.

Special Easter services were held in all our churches Sunday. The Easter Cantata held in the Congregational church was well attended. The special music was very impressive and was beautifully rendered.

The regular Kiwanis meeting was held last Friday at which H.P. Peters was the principal speaker. His subject was advertising Glenwood in the way of putting up signs telling the people where Glenwood is, and also the important subject making more of our natural beauty spots like Mount Lookout.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, April 26, 1923. 

Mr. Wheeler of the Daylight Meat Market has just installed a new display case that is a dandy. He states that he does not know of a meat market west of the Twin Cities that has a better one. The case has a place for the ice so that the meats are kept as cool there as they are in the refrigerator. It is entirely tight so that no flies can come to the meat and on this account it can be kept clean and sanitary in every way. The Daylight Meat Market is as clean and sanitary as any market anywhere near and this new display case only adds to the fine appearance of the place. The sausage kitchen and the basement which is used for storing are also kept in spick and span condition and everything that goes out of there is the very best. A.J. Vieths is the new clerk in the market.

Frank Hill did not get injured in trying to get an unruly prisoner to the jail or anything of that kind. The reason he has a bandage on his nose is that he had a growth on it removed by Dr. Eberlin at the hospital. He looks dangerous, but he is the same kind goodhearted fellow that he has always been.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, April 27, 1923. 

A fine new Thor electric mangle was installed in the hospital this week. A mangle has been one of the greatest needs of the hospital for a long time, and the Hospital Aid which was organized last fall took hold of the situation with characteristic energy and decided to install one at once, and then get busy and raise the money.

Larson Bros. were awarded the contract for the new filling station for the Minnewaska Oil Company. The building will be built of Art Brick with a roof of Asphalt Art shingles and the equipment will be the last word in modern conveniences. A fine ladies restroom with the best of lavatory facilities will be provided. The new filling station will be on the Nelson Trail, just across from the Municipal Park, and will be a fine improvement for the town.