Mr. Vollrath to start fox farm west of Glenwood

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, September 27, 1923.

Girl Scouts to Organize. The Women’s auxiliary of the American Legion has decided to sponsor the organization of a Girl Scout troup, a movement becoming more and more popular and being recognized as a splendid type of activity for young girls. Glenwood with its hills and lakes and beautiful woods, is an ideal town for Girl Scout work, so it is hoped many of the high school girls will make use of this opportunity to learn something more about woodcraft, camp lore, keeping in the best physical condition, life saving and home nursing. Miss Olivia Peterson and Agnes Linnevold will be the scout leaders; Miss Peterson having charge of the lessons in home nursing, and Miss Linnevold, who has been officially accepted by national headquarters, being leader of the outdoor activities. The Girl Scout’s mottos is: “Be Prepared.” Being prepared means that she herself is always physically fit; she knows how to save a life; she can quickly make a campfire and prepare an outdoor meal; and she is always prepared to contribute a cheery helpfulness.

  Kittel Holverson of Brooten attended the county fair on Tuesday and made a call at the Tribune office the same day. Mr. Holverson was a representative in Congress during the farmer-alliance days. He is also a Civil War veteran. He enlisted when he was but 16 years of age. Mr. Holverson has always taken an active part in progressive politics and is still a leader in his community.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, September 27, 1923. 

Mr. Hallett has completed the work on the new Villard Catholic church for the present.

  Mr. Vollrath of Glenwood is going to start a fox farm. He has purchased a small tract of land west of Glenwood where he intends to raise foxes. He has already purchased five red foxes to start with. These he has in an enclosure south of and across the street from the Vollrath apartments. He has also purchased others that will arrive soon. A large number of people have been to the enclosure to see these cunning animals since they arrived about a week and a half ago.

  We have procured a program of the concert given by the musical organization with which Elsie Gandrud, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A.K. Gandrud, is connected in New York City. The troupe is called an All Nations Association and is made up of one Spaniard, one Japanese, one Italian and one American besides Miss Gandrud, and a Norwegian. This company is now giving concerts in the Strand Theater, New York City, but will soon go to Europe. Miss Gandrud is the accompanist for the troupe.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, September 28, 1923. 

The first fire drill of this school year took place on Thursday. The building was emptied in one minute. A regular record breaker.

  Albert Opdahl on Wednesday completed his deal for the purchase of the E.A. Rust farm of 40 acres one mile north of Starbuck. Mr. & Mrs. Opdahl will move onto the farm next month. Mr. Rust will have an auction sale on September 29. He plans to move to Starbuck and will visit friends in North Dakota for a while.