From Nov. 7, 1913

A woman who was too economical to subscribe for her home town paper sent her little son to borrow the copy taken by her neighbor. In his haste the boy ran over a four dollar stand of bees, and in ten minutes looked like a warty squash. His cries reached his father who ran to his assistance, and failing to notice a barbed wire fence, ran into it, breaking it down, cutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining a five dollar pair of pants. The old cow took advantage of the gap in the fence and got into a cornfield and killed herself eating corn. Hearing the racket, the mother ran, upset a four gallon churn of rich cream into a basket of kittens, drowning the whole litter. In her excitement she dropped and broke, past all hopes of mending, a $25 set of false teeth. The baby, left alone, crawled into the parlor, ruining a $20 carpet. During the racket the eldest daughter ran away with the hired man, the dog broke up eleven setting hens, and the calves got out and chewed the tails off of four fine shirts and all to save $1.50. Moral: Subscribe to the Starbuck Times. 

Oysters! Oysters! Fresh oysters always on hand. This is the time of the year that an oyster stew tastes exceptionally fine. Buy your oysters fresh from us. We just opened a fresh barrel of Istor Sild. Try it. Meat Market. H.O. Jorgenson, prop.


From Nov. 2, 1923

Miss Henrietta Rasmussen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rasmussen and Mr. Gotfred Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Peterson of Smaaland, Sweden, were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents in Minnewaska Township by Rev. T. Kleven on Saturday evening. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. M. Feigum. 

High school notes by Oliver Kyvig: The Starbuck High School football team played their first game of the season with the Osakis team. The cold and snowy weather made it difficult for both teams and the game ended in a tie, 6 to 6. 

The boys and girls were out in full force to play the usual Halloween pranks Wednesday night. In the morning main street was filled with all kinds of old wagons, carts, old trucks, pieces of farm machinery, etc. that had been dragged unto it during the night. Very little damage was done, however. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engebretson Sunday, Oct. 28.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Braaten on Wednesday, Oct. 25. 

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Svenning was baptized at the Indherred church on Sunday, receiving the name Oliver Kermit. 

About 100 friends and relatives helped Mr. and Mrs. Thosten C. Lien celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary on Sunday. 

Miss Gladys Halvorson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halvorson of Murdock and Guy Dahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Dahl were united in marriage at the parsonage in B27 by Rev J.S. Strand. Miss Lila Sondrol and Wallace Halvorson were their attendants. 


From Nov. 2, 1933

Miss Marian Pederson, daughter of John Pederson of Blue Mounds, became the bride of Emil Oliver Sundheim, son of Mrs. Olava Sundheim of Clontarf at the East Zion Parsonage on Sunday afternoon. Rev. K.R. Palmer performed the ceremony. Vivian Pederson, sister of the bride was bridesmaid, and Malvin Sundheim, brother of the groom was best man. 

Geo. H. Lund, in charge of drought relief for the Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture, announced that 5740 tons of hay have been transported to drought areas in the state. The counties in the drought area are Chippewa, Lac Qui Parle, Yellow Medicine, Swift, Big Stone, Traverse, Douglas, Pope, Stearns, Wright and Sherburne.

Miss Josie Mellum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Mellum of Rolling Forks, and Swen Nielson, son of Mrs. N. P. Nielson of Askov, were married Oct. 30 at the court house in Glenwood by Judge of Probate Edward E. Barsness. 


From Nov. 4, 1943

Henry Swenson has built a corn crib for Tilmer Berg. 

Miss Helen Thompson and Clifford Hagen of Lowry were married Sunday afternoon, Oct. 24 at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Anne Thompson. The couple will make their home on a farm south of Lowry. 

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Billehus were honored on their 25th Silver Wedding anniversary at the Fron church parlors Oct. 31. 

Obert Hjalmer Foss, son of  Mrs. Josephine Foss of Starbuck has begun his recruit training at the U.S. Naval Training Station, the largest in the west.

A total of $10.02 was raised by the pupils in grades 7 through 12 for the Minnesota War Service fund. The classes contributed the following amounts: Seniors, $2.90; juniors, $2.12; sophomores, $2.15; 9th grade 97¢; 8th grade 33¢; and 7th grade $1.55. 


From Nov. 6, 1953

The Starbuck High School junior class will present their play “Stardust” Nov. 20. Those taking part will be Noreen Ophaug, Dale Johnson, Ilene Pederson, Donald Gorder, Kathryn Myking, Ernest Nali, Janice Nordaune, Dorraine Maanum, Karen Farley, Ann Evjen, Wesley Kleven, Maxine Kirkwold, Donald Hagestuen, Toni Giesen, Marlys Hanson, Barbara Stewart, George Velde and Allan Sunde. 

Funeral services for Dr. B.A. McIver, 59, of Lowry, were held Wednesday at Gospel Hall in Lowry. He is survived by his wife, Gertrude; two daughters, Jessie and Beth, both of Lowry; three sons, Danny of Lowry, Paul, a student at the U of M, and Bertrand, with the Army in Ft. Still, Oklahoma. 

Friends and relatives gathered at the Marvin Hagen home Sunday and helped Michael celebrate his 3rd birthday. 

Funeral services for Mrs. Jacobo Rosten, 38, were held at the Indherred Lutheran Church Oct. 6. Funeral services for Jacob Rosten, 42, were held Oct. 13 at Indherred Lutheran Church. They are survived by three children, Mary Ann 13, Daniel 8 and David 2. Mrs. Rosten died Oct. 2 after failing in health for sometime and Mr. Rosten died Oct. 9 following an automobile accident. 

Miss Ardis Knutson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knutson and Curtis Wenstrand of Red Oak, Iowa, were married Oct. 25 at East Zion Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Chicago, IL. 


From Oct. 31, 1963

Mrs. Edward (Pearl) Anderson, 49, was killed instantly at Pennock at 12:04 p.m. Saturday when her 1960 Chevrolet was struck by the Great Northern fast mail train No. 27 in the village of Pennock. Funeral services were held at Fron Lutheran Church Tuesday. 

Kathleen Giesen, daughter of Mrs. A.F. Giesen of Minneapolis and the late Dr. A.F. Giesen, and Terence Martin Pease of Minneapolis were married at St. Cecelias Catholic Church in Boston, Massachusetts on Oct. 14. The newlyweds will live in Boston. 

Births: Twin boys, Daniel Travis and David Roy, to Mr. and Mrs. Verdi Moen of Willmar Oct. 23; a son, Todd Gerald, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gjerdingen of Minneapolis; a daughter, DeAnn Louise to Mr. and Mrs. Odell Braaten Oct. 26. 

Miss Diane Baukol daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baukol of Starbuck and Duane Hagen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Hagen of Cyrus, were married at Immanuel Lutheran Church Saturday, Sept. 21. The couple will make their home on a farm near Cyrus. 

Confirmation services were held Sunday, Oct. 27 at East Zion Lutheran Church. Those confirmed were Dale Pederson, Richard Knutson and Brenda Ritgers. 


From Nov. 1, 1973

The election in Lowry will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Several have filed for the different posts but there will be no contests. 

Nearly $5,000 was raised over the weekend for the Pope County District Hospital as an auction was held on Friday and ladies of the Minnewaska Hospital and Home Auxiliaries combined their efforts in different ways. The “Community Auction” netted about $4,000 as hundred of items were sold over the auction block. 

Don Nelson, president of the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce announced this week that the businessmen’s organization would take on the responsibility of covering the city of Starbuck to raise funs for the Pope County Hospital District. A “bean feed” meeting was held Tuesday evening at which time approximately thirty solicitors were named and assigned definite areas to visit. 


From Nov. 2, 1983

Roger Hermes, Starbuck Creamery manager, announced that the Starbuck Locker has been sold to Mr. Norman Nytroe of Sioux Falls, SD. Mr. Nytroe took over the operation Nov. 1. 

Lynette Marie Nygaard of Glenwood and Norman Orville Lien, son of Orville and Wilma Lien were united in marriage August 20 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Glenwood. The couple will make their home in Glenwood.

Mike Nelson was struck by a car Friday evening while walking home from the Starbuck-Milan football game at Landmark Field. He was taken to the Minnewaska District Hospital and treated for multiple injuries. He may have to undergo surgery later. 

Funeral services for Hilma Anderson, 91, were held from the Immanuel Lutheran Church Oct. 29. She is survived by two sons, Harold of Starbuck and Gilbert of Farmington. 

Sheri Lynn Bruland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bruland of Cyrus and Joseph Nicholas Gerzina of Biwabek were married August 6 at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Cyrus. The couple will make their home in St. Paul. 


From Nov. 3, 1993

Jon and Dana Helgerson of Elgin, SC are the parents of a baby daughter, Keisa Roseann born Oct. 12. 

Funeral services for Agnes Forde, 98, of Minneapolis were held at Indherred Lutheran Church Oct. 30. She is survived by two sisters-in-law, Astrid Forde of Starbuck and Bertha Forde of Tuscon, AZ. 

Funeral services for Melvin Kjera, 86, of Minneapolis were held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Minneapolis Sept. 17. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy and two daughters. 


From Oct. 29, 2003

The Minnewaska Regional Health System is planning changes to its birthing unit which will make the Minnewaska District Hospital more appealing for expecting families according to CEO Tom Theroult. 

The Pope County Board met at its regular meeting on Oct. 22 and accepted a proposal by Project Starbuck to become a sponsor for the bike trail which goes from town to Glacial Lakes State Park. Project Starbuck is attempting to get State Transportation Improvement Program funds from the Area Transportation Partnership and the County’s sponsorship hinges on its acceptance. 

Should the new road that was built behind Minnewaska Area High School be an entrance only, both an entrance and an exit, or should it be left alone? That was one of the issues discussed at the regular meeting of the District 2149 school board Oct. 21. Board member, Heidi Sachs, brought up the issue during the board’s regular meeting, and county officials were asked to attend this meeting to talk about the road. 


From Nov. 6, 2013

Pictured in the Times are Glacial Hills Elementary students posing for a picture while stopping by some downtown Starbuck businesses.

The Bay Meadows townhomes were open for viewing on Saturday, Nov. 2. Many people walked through one of the units to see what it looked like. 

Glacial Hills Elementary Director Deb Mathias told the school board that GHES was selected as a Reward School based on the Multiple Measurement System for Title 1 schools at the monthly meeting on Monday, Oct. 28. 

Dr. Brenda Cassellius of the Minnesota Department of Education sent a letter to Mathias to share with the board congratulating the school for its designation as a Reward School. The designation reflects the gains the school has made in the proficiency, growth, achievement gap reduction and graduation rate. It is also a reflection of Mathias and the staff’s tireless efforts to improve outcomes for students the letter stated.