From Nov. 28, 1913

A clean entertainment for clean people. “Dreamland” Motion Picture House. I.M. Kalnes, manager. Shows Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, but when the electric load is heavy, we can’t show on Saturday nights. Regular admission prices – adults 20¢, children 10¢. “Amusement to an observing mind in study.”

Curiosity Box Social. On Friday evening, November 28, there will be an entertainment and social in the school house in District No. 92. Ladies please bring lunch and cups, and also a small box containing your name and a curiosity or thing. Constance Nygaard, teacher. 

Holiday Goods – We have an unusually large display of Christmas goods this year at the Langhei Store and we invite all girls and boys and the old girls and old boys to call and inspect our stock. Our prices are right and we will treat you right. Langhei Store, Ben Evjen, proprietor, Langhei, Minn. 


From Nov. 23, 1923

Miss Alma Flaten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erick Flaten of Walden, became the bride of Mr. Carl Overson last Sunday at the St. Petri church, Rev. Andrew Olson officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Olga Flaten and Miss Emma Justien. The groom was attended by Carl Flaten and Olger Barsness. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoium of Cyrus on Thursday. 

The Starbuck Fire Department will sponsor a program given at the Town Hall on Thanksgiving evening. The program is as follows: Selection by the Starbuck Orchestra; speeches by Mayor Arneson, Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy, Rev. T. Kleven, Dr. Christenson; songs by the Starbuck Trio and the Fron Choir; duet by Rev. and Mrs. T. Kleven; debate on the subject: Resolved conditions are better today than twenty years ago. The affirmative will be presented by Wm Merrill and B.C. Wollan; the negative by Mrs. Victor Larson and Mrs. C. Nelson. The honorary members of the Fire Dept. are J.S. Skoglund, A.N. Thorstad, B.H. Holte, John Ingvarson, E.A. Erickson and A.B. Erickson. The members are: Chief-O.J. Olson; Ass’t Chief-John Overson; L. Brevig, Carl N. Nelson, C.C. Heegard, B.C. Bergerson, Tilman Smedstad, C.M. Pederson, A.H. Dreyer, O.H. Wollan, Henry Hanson, S.O. Koland, Oscar Olson, Theo. O. Thompson, M.N. Gorder. 

Miss Laura Hoiness, a niece of O.E. Larson, who lives at the Larson home and attends school here, won the silver loving cup offered by the Legion for the best essay on the subject “School influence on the coming generation.” The papers written by the following were very highly commended by the judges: Alice Olson, Irene Hagen and Borghild Scheflo. 


From Nov. 23, 1933

Quite a number of local sportsmen left on Sunday and Monday for Northern Minnesota in hopes of getting a deer during the five day season. Among those from Starbuck are John Wollan, Carl Ettesvold, Henry Nodland, Pearle Heegard, John Erickson, Otto W. Olson, A.C. Glaubitz, Edwin Hagen, Carl Hagen, H.B. Morgan and Carl Bordewick.

Funeral services for Mrs. P.J. Bergee were conducted at the Fron church on Nov. 18, Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy officiating. Mrs. Bergee is survived by the following children: Bertha, Mrs. I.B. Anderson; Rev. Theo. Bergee; Lenza, Mrs. Alfred Ness; Anna, Mrs. Thomas Anderson; Mina, Mrs. G.G. Landmark; Ida, Mrs. Ole Lorvig; Ingeborg, Ole, John,Hilda, Anna, Oscar. Her husband also survives her. 

The Pope County Symphony Orchestra will present a concert at the West Central School of Agriculture at Morris on November 29. M. Casper Johnshoy is the conductor. Mrs. O.H. Wollan, accompanist; Prof. John Anderson, concert master; Mrs. R.S. Forde, ass’t. concert master; Julius Haugen, President; M.P. Eidberg, vice president; Gilbert N. Moen, Secy-treas.

School notes: Grade I-Carol Finstad, Jerome Hoium, Walter Larson, Jerome Otteson, Richard Peterson and Mary Ann Thompson are leading in our race of Healthland. The third and fourth graders learned a new song for Thanksgiving “Over the river and through the woods.” In grades VI and VII B the following have finished the first 15 drills in Penmanship satisfactorily: Ardis Skoglund, Lillian Stadsvold, Harriet Thorstad, Harold Johnshoy, Marion Landaas, Boyd Opheim, and Lucille Tollefson.

Funeral services for Mrs. Knute Hoverud were conducted at the West Zion church on Monday, Rev. K.R. Palmer officiating. Mrs. Hoverud is survived by her husband & the following children: Clarence, Marie, Clifford, Albert, Henry and Marvin; and six brothers, Thorvald, Olaus, Albert, Conrad, Julius and Malvin Maanum. 


From Nov. 25, 1943

Miss Adeline Bjerknes of Trail, MN and Lt. Arnt Aune were married Wednesday at the First Lutheran Church in Bemidji. The groom recently received his commission into the Air Force Navigation school in Hondo, Texas. 

Rolling Forks Township, and particularly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bredeken of that township, are proud that that community is represented by a young girl who holds the distinction of being an Ensign and a member of the Navy Nurses Corp. The Ensign is Irene A. Bredeson, who is stationed at the Navy hospital at Corona, California. Irene does not claim all the military honors in the family as her sister, Harriet M. Bredeken has enlisted in the Waves and is training in New York. 

Miss Inez L. Olson of Minneapolis and Melvin Runquist were married November 20 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. The groom is stationed at Camp Endicott, Rhode Island. 

A baby girl, Carol Joyce, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Johnson of Rockford, Illinois Oct. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Thompson of Starbuck are the grandparents. 

Rev. and Mrs. G.O. Forde are the proud parents of a baby girl, Astrid Ann, born Sunday at the Morris Hospital.


From Nov. 25, 1953

Vivian Marie Amundson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Amundson of Starbuck and Robert Mesmer of Burlington, Iowa, were married November 14 at Zion Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, SD. The couple will make their home in Fargo, ND.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Krogstad and family of Sacred Heart have moved to the Hannah Billehus Farm which they recently purchased. 

Bring the family for Thanksgiving dinner at the Nodland Cafe. Menu: turkey with dressing, baked ham, salad, vegetables, potatoes, dessert, coffee – $1.35. Lars Sande, Mgr. 

Miss Vera Brandt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brandt of Danvers and Lavon Lund, son of Mrs. Christena Lund of Starbuck were married October 24 at St. John’s Church of Holloway. The couple will make their home on a farm near Starbuck. 


From Nov. 21, 1963

Mr. and Mrs. Axel Peterson, David and Gary, drove to Granite Falls Sunday to be presented at the baptism for their grandson and nephew, Alan Paul Bucholz at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. David was a sponsor. 

Have you tried our fruit cake? It’s the fruit cake for you who never liked fruit cake before. If you haven’t tested it, ask the clerk for a sample. Starbuck Bakery.

Mr. and Mrs. Peder Baukol had their infant son, Steven Jon, baptized at Immanuel Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnshoy, Jr., June Rosten and Marcus Baukol II. 

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Engebretson of St. Paul are the parents of a son, Peder Mikkel, born November 4.


From Nov. 22, 1973

A special hearing, called by the Minnesota Central Planning Council, will be held in Starbuck on Thursday, November 29, 2 p.m. at the high school auditorium on an application submitted by the Pope County Hospital District to build a new facility, estimated at $996,000.

Refreshments, food, music, and people were plentiful last week as the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce staged their annual Men’s Appreciation Night. The menu included roasted boneless pork loin, beans, baked potatoes, ice cream and the usual other items.

Postmaster Maurice Walline announced this week that the new post office building now under construction just northeast of the present one, will be open for business on December 1. 


From Nov. 23, 1983

Pamela T. Schaefer of Bloomington and Steven M. Otteson, son of Mrs. Magnus Otteson were married Sept. 23 at the Nativity of Mary Catholic Church of Bloomington. The couple will make their home in Eden Prairie.

Funeral services for Edwin Grenson, 91, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church Nov. 19. He is survived by two sons, Allen Grenson of Starbuck and Earle of the Twin Cities and two daughters, Mrs. Chester Branch of Starbuck and Mrs. Orville Runquist of Hancock. 

Joel Knutson of Starbuck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Knutson, graduated Nov. 12 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at the U of M, Duluth. 

Named students of the quarter at Cyrus High School recently were Mary Savre, Steve Young and Dawn Hyatt.

David Refsal, son of Mrs. Dottie Refsal, graduated from the Canby Area Vocational Technical Institute Nov. 23 with a diploma in Diesel and Farm Equipment Mechanics. 

Funeral services for Christine Shermak, 71, of Lowry were held from the St. John Nepomuk Church Nov. 5. She is survived by two sisters, Mary Shermak and Mrs. Lester (Agnes) Kalina; and four brothers, Charles, Frank, Joe and John. 


From Nov. 24, 1993

Funeral services for S. Leonard Kjera, 84, of Freeport, were held at First Lutheran Church in Freeport Wednesday. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy. 

Gene Holmblad announced the sale of Gene’s Body Shop to Russ Barkeim. 

Robin Himango, Josi Hoffman and Misty Burns were recently named to the West Central South All-Conference volleyball team. 

Funeral services for Dean L. Hagen, 65, were held Nov. 20 at Zion Lutheran Church in Buffalo. He is survived by his wife, Sue Barry-Hagen and five children.  


From Nov. 19, 2003

Ina Ophaug celebrated her ninetieth birthday in the place she spent much of her childhood. When she was young, Ophaug moved from Montevideo to a house in Starbuck, now known as Berries and Marigolds, with her parents and several siblings. Now this past weekend, her family came from all over the county and gathered at Berries and Marigolds on Nov. 15 to celebrate with Ophaug. 

Starbuck will be in the Christmas spirit come Dec. 6. The event has grown considerably from the last year with many events added or enhanced. The chamber board finalized many items at its regular meeting on Dec. 17. 

Drive, motivation and focus all are traits needed to be a pageant winner, according to Starbuck native Jennifer Smith. And she must know as she was just crowned Miss North Dakota, U.S.A. on Nov. 2 at the Fargo Theatre in Downtown Fargo. 


From Nov. 27, 2013

Minnewaska Area School approved a settlement with a former student and the American Civil Liberties Union over treatment rendered by the district following an incident a couple of years ago. 

Nearly 150 loved ones who have passed away were remembered at the annual Glacial Ridge Hospice Tree of Life ceremony held Tuesday evening at Ridgewood Villa in Glenwood. 

The Junior Breeding Sheep Show at the North American International Livestock Exposition kicked off Nov. 17. Young Exhibitors, ages 21-and-under, arrived with the best of their flock in tow and ready to impress the judges. Colin Weidauer, of Starbuck, was one of the participants.