From Dec. 5, 1913

Walter A. Forde and Miss Alpha Isaacs of Forest City, Iowa were married at Los Angeles, CA by Rev. Ove J.H. Preus. The couple will live in Fullerton, CA. 

A Christmas present – For him: we recommend a vocal solo. We have it at the Times office, tenor, bass or baritone. For her: a selection of piano solos, we have them, popular and classic. Sheet music: piano, violin, cornet or vocal makes ideal Christmas gifts. I.M. Kalnes Starbuck. 

A box of cigars – makes a good Christmas present. We carry a big line of high grade cigars and tobacco. While you are doing your Christmas shopping, drop in for a rest and a good cup of coffee and lunch. White Lily  Restaurant, Mrs. Mary Thompson, prop.


From Nov. 30, 1923

Miss Hilda Brenden and Mr. G.F. Bergquist were united in marriage at the Fron parsonage on Tuesday evening, Rev. Johnshoy officiating. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madson. 

Funeral services were conducted on Thanksgiving Day for Mrs. O.N. Stromseth, at the Fron church at 1:30 and the Immanuel church at 3:30, Rev. Johnshoy officiated. Mrs. Stromseth is survived by her husband, Ole; six children, Mrs. David Nord (Verna); Alvin; Mrs. Raynold Johnson (Esther); Mrs. Arthur Nord (Juella); Carl and  Cornelia. She is also survived by her aged parents, Mrs. Cornelius Berg and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. S. Koland, Mrs. P.T. Simonson, Leonard, Carl, Tilmer and Andrew Berg. 

At the meeting of the American Legion Wednesday evening, the following were elected officers for the coming year: Eugene Swenson, post commander; Roy Olson, 1st vice commander; Arnold Dullum, 2nd vice commander; John Evjen, treasurer. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sylvester last Sunday.

A. Abrahamson has installed a player piano in his confectionery in Cyrus this week. Abe really believes in good music during the cold winter months. 

The Thanksgiving program sponsored by the Starbuck Fire Dept. last week drew a crowd estimated at 500 people. In the debate on the subject: “resolved that conditions are better today than they were twenty years ago” the ladies who supported the negative won by a unanimous vote. 


From Nov. 30, 1933

The Jr. class of Starbuck High School presented a very enjoyable play on Tuesday evening, the comedy drama “The Path Across the Hill.” Those taking part in the play were Joseph Belgum, Dorvan Skoglund, Arnt Aune, Magnus Baukol, Lorrin Dahlager, Vivian Tollefson, Margaret Larson, Sylvia Koland, Clarice Sanvik and Amy Nelson.

Funeral services were held at St. Paul last Wednesday for Mrs. Alfred A. Ness. She had just returned to St. Paul from Starbuck where she had attended the funeral for her mother, Mrs. P.J. Bergee when she became ill. She is survived by her husband and five children, Clifford, Alice, Harriet, Arnold and Verne. She is also survived by her father, two brothers and five sisters. 

Dr. R.T. Seashore purchased a new Ford V-8 coach from Peterson Motor Sales last week, and is having the interior rebuilt so that it can be used for an ambulance in emergency cases.  


From Dec. 2, 1943

Adeline Bernice Brevig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Brevig, became the bride of Esten Foss of Hartland, MN on Wednesday afternoon at the Immanuel Church. The couple will make their home in St. Paul.

Funeral services for Dagny Dahlseng, 24, were held from St. John’s Church on Tuesday, November 23. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Dina Dahlseng and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. John Larson and Mrs. Fred Jellum of Starbuck, Carl, Julius, Arnold, Orville, Wallace and Maynard at home, Orlando of North Africa, Clifford in India and Claremont (her twin brother) in the Armed Forces.

Attention farmers! We need grain straw. Oat, wheat, barley and rye, per ton $1.00 a bale. List your own straw with the us. Ophaug Brothers. 

Special this week at the Red Owl Agency: Franks 29¢ lb.; peanut butter,1 lb. jar 24¢; corn flakes, 3-11 oz. pkgs. 23¢; Vel,12-1/2 oz. pkg. 23¢; lettuce, 2 heads 29¢.

Thirty three heads of Durocs were disposed of at the Duroc sale held at Skogmar Farm Oct. 20. It is now definite that Mr. Skogmar will have another sale in about a year.


From Dec. 3, 1953

Dorothy A. Donovan of Brownsdale and Donald K. Wesen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wesen of Starbuck were married Nov. 28 at Our Lady of Loretta Catholic Church in Brownsdale. The couple will make their home in Brownsdale. 

A group of boys helped Richard Thompson celebrate his 8th birthday at the Lloyd Thompson home Friday.

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rosten of Glenwood Nov. 24. A girl was born Nov. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Sig Rykhus of Lowry; and a girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chan of Lowry Nov. 20. 

Baptisms: Michael Allan Moe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moe was baptized Saturday evening, Nov. 21 at the G.O. Forde parsonage. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Erickson. Erick Curtis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pederson of St. Claire was baptized Thanksgiving Day at East Zion Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pederson and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pederson. Jill Enid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gorder was baptized at Indherred Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanson of Sheridan, Nebraska and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pederson of St. Claire. 

Miss Dorene Suckow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Lesterberg and Howard Berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Berg were married at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church of Benson. The couple will make their home on a farm south of Starbuck. 


From Nov. 28, 1963

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, died Friday, Nov. 22 at approximately 1:00 p.m. in Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas, victim of an assassin’s bullet. He was 46 years old. Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, an employee at the Texas School Book Depository, where the shots were fired from, was arrested two hours later.

Specials this week at Pederson’s Super Market: Lean meaty spare ribs 29¢ lb.; genuine Norwegian lutefisk, 25¢ lb.; Fairway flour, 50 lb. bag, $2.98; sugar 10 lbs. $1.09; Miracle Whip, qt. jar, 49¢; Festal pumpkin, 10¢ can.

Starbuck High School is proud to announce that miss Darlene Otteson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Otteson, has been accepted by the Admissions Committee of Concordia College, Moorhead, with a Concordia College Merit Scholarship of $100 to $800 applied to the freshman year. 

Marcus Baukol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baukol, is the winner of the Bosch and Lomb Science Award for this year. 


From Nov. 29, 1973

Several cases of the fall term of District Court have already been heard or settled as of Tuesday afternoon reported Hartvig Pederson, clerk of court. 

After two years of discussion, meeting of all types and a concentrated effort by many people to resolve the health care problems in Pope County, the day of decision has arrived. Two public hearings will be held (today) Thursday conducted by the Central Minnesota Health Planning Commission to hopefully settle the issue. This group is made up of people from many towns and different categories of life serving in a voluntary capacity, getting paid only for expenses. Judge Paulson of Milaca is chairman of the group and will chair both hearings. 

In one of the most stunning votes ever recorded in this particular area, the bond issue seeking funds to build a new hospital passed by over a 90% majority.


From Nov. 30, 1983

Seven members of the Starbuck school were honored at the annual Employee’s Recognition reception for their many years of service. They were Mary Kay Fredrickson, 10 years; Denise Ahrlin, 15 years; Larry Noyes, 10 years; Ethel Barsness, 20 years; and Agnes Martinson, 20 years. 

Funeral services for Everell Barsness, 71, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church Nov. 17. He is survived by his wife, Emma; three daughters, Mrs. Orville (Lorraine) Felt of Burnsville; Mrs. Mel (Deanna) Roller of Lakeville and Mrs. Dan (Rebecca) Janisch of Apple Valley and two sons, Dale of Terrace and Everell, Jr. of Glenwood. 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer of Staples announce the birth of a son, David Philip born Nov. 6.

Dawn Savre of Cyrus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Savre graduated from St. Cloud State University Nov. 23 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. 

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boldenow announce the marriage of their daughter, Barbara L. Kurud to Jerome L. White on Nov. 18. The couple will make their home in Owatonna.


From Dec. 1, 1993

The Minnewaska District Hospital Board of Directors granted a “modest” wage increase for the hospital employees, effective Dec. 1, 1993. The increase was an “equal across-the-board” pay increase (each employee received the same amount of pay increase). The agreement came about following a couple of meetings between representatives of the staff and the Pay Committee who represented the Board. 

With the retirement of David Troen Dec. 31, 1993, county board members took the first step in merging those offices officially at the regular meeting of the county board on Nov. 23, 1993, with the passing of a resolution. That resolution states in part, “has determined to combine and consolidate the offices of Pope County Auditor and of Pope County Treasurer Commencing January 1, 1994.” 


From Nov. 26, 2003

The Pope County Board of Commissioners had to look at one of its own at its meeting on Nov. 19. Questions have come up among county employees regarding the county’s current practice of paying health insurance to elected members of the county commission who are also receiving health insurance through a county bargaining agreement.

The Starbuck City Council has decided it will advertise for a new police chief after Bruce Gilbertson announced his retirement on Nov. 10. 

New county coordinator, Riaz Aziz, steps in to the position after many years in municipal government. Most recently, Aziz worked as Special Project Coordinator and Parks Director for the city of Moorhead.  


From Dec. 4, 2013

Steve Gilmer, president of Delano State Bank was present at the Glacial Hills Elementary School Board meeting on Nov. 25 and discussed with the board that they would like to sell the building because banks are not in the business of owning property. A purchase proposal was presented. The board discussed with Gilmer that charter schools cannot own property and have no taxing authority, and therefore cannot make the purchase. There is a committee looking into new legislation and laws governing affiliated building corporations  and will continue to pursue the possibility. 

Glacial Lakes State Park near Starbuck in Pope County will operate an aeration system this winter to increase oxygen levels in Mountain Lake and prevent winter kill of fish populations. The system will begin operating on or after Dec. 11, contingent on ice conditions. The aeration system will create open water and thin ice, so no vehicles of any kind will be allowed on the lake, according to the Department of Natural Resources.