By Melanie Stegner

A resolution supporting Operation Green Light was passed at last week’s county board meeting. Operation Green Light for Veterans is an initiative created as a way for counties to recognize the great respect, admiration and utmost gratitude “for all who have selflessly served the country and our community in the armed forces.”  Because of Operation Green Light, the courthouse was illuminated by green lights.

Five tax-forfeited properties will be coming up for sale on December 6 at 9 a.m. Two of the properties are in Glenwood Township and both contain a drainage easement. Two of the properties are in Cyrus and one property is in Starbuck. Minimum prices were set up for the properties whose assessed values vary from $600-14,300. Minimums were set from $100-7,500. 

Over the last year, Starbuck Telephone/Hanson Communications have been working to provide broadband services throughout the county. As of recently, two-thirds of the county has broadband services. According to Dalen Hanson the project is set to be completed by the end of next year. 

A request for appropriation and authorization to execute the final phase of the broadband DEED grant to support the completion of the project was presented and passed unanimously. “Starbuck Telephone and Hanson’s have been a great asset to us,” stated Commissioner Larry Lindor.

The grant contract for the Emergency Management department for the county was approved. An amount of $21,882 was granted from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division. According to Sheriff Tim Riley, this is a grant that the county receives yearly.

Changes are coming to the highway department in this month’s report. Mike McMahon has been serving as the Maintenance Supervisor of the highway department for 12 years out of his 32-year career with the county. “I want to publicly thank Mike for his service as he retires in December,” stated Brian Giese, County Engineer. McMahon’s replacement will be Dave Orlowski who has been serving as the County Drainage Inspector. He will continue to serve in this role and absorb some of the maintenance plan development and contract administration. This creates an opportunity to restructure the department to add a Deputy Maintenance Supervisor position to work as a team to oversee the road and bridge maintenance activities.

Rolling Forks Vineyards was granted an on-sale 3.2 beer license and on-sale wine with strong beer licenses. 

After a review of the bills and monthly financials, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will take place as a work session on Tuesday, November 14 in the third-floor meeting room.